Projekti „Vabatahtlikud Valgamaa noorsootöös“ toetab SA Archimedese noorteagentuur Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse programmist.
I still can’t believe I am writing this, but my ESC is officially over. I will never forget this incredible year and cherish all the memories I made and people I met.
But before we get to the sad part, let’s not forget that I also did like a looooot of stuff in August.
In July I spent a total of three days in our youth centre.
In turn that must mean that I did many many other, even more exciting things. From shoveling for 6 hours a day, to walking for 6 hours and seeing the most southern place in Estonia, it was a colorful mix of events and trips.
Finally set free from my isolation I was allowed to go outside again, meet people and return to the youth center!
Actually, I didn’t really spend a lot of time in the youth centre, but time outside was also wonderful, enjoying the many lakes of Southern Estonia and plenty of sunshine.
On May 26th I got on a plane again, back to Estonia!
I wasn’t sure if I would even return, so I am happy to sit in my little flat in Hargla again. Despite being in quarantine. Because as of arriving to Tallinn i have to spend 14 days in self-isolation.
May was my last month of my European Solidarity Corps even though it was a bit different than I thought it would be.
I am already back in my home country Austria since the middle of march because, as you maybe know, the Corona virus ended my Voluntary Service in the South of Estonia a bit shorter than accepted. View months ago, I thought a goodbye and also a see you again is with lots of hugs, tears, - like in a movie ;)