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Projekti „Vabatahtlikud Valgamaa noorsootöös“ toetab SA Archimedese noorteagentuur Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse programmist.



It is already two weeks ago since I left South Estonia, very fast and surpricingly.

On a cosy and usual Monday morning in my flat in Valga I recognised that it is probably the best decision if I leave and go back to Austria, my home country.

The reason for that was, obviously, the Coronavirus. Besides of the fact that most of my relatives and family members thought it is a good idea to come home as long as it is possible, it was also the Austrian government who recommend to come back to Austria because the Austrian Airport will be closed for the next couple of weeks until the virus will be over. So, after some calls and organisation, I started packing my seven things. Thankfully, I was not alone at this very emotional and challenging time. - A very good friend was with me. If you are leaving in a rush and quite strange situation, like mine was, it is always amazing if there is somebody around you! Together we went out of the flat the last time, went to the train station in Valga the last time, and took with the famous elron train, which brougth me many uncountable times to the beautiful city Tallinn. And then, I coudn’t believe it, I was already at the plane to Vienna. With mixed feelings and a stopover in Frankfurt (Germany). – a very big airport with lots of people! In my mind I always had the reminder, don’t touch your face, keep distance to the people around you, wash your hands as often as you can and stay save! Now, two weeks are over and I am still fit. The virus didn’t hit me! One the one hand I was very very happy and in a positive mood to see my family again, however, on the other hand I was sad to leave all those inspiring and funny people here in Estonia. But, actually, to be honest, at this point, I couldn’t really realise that I was leaving and in my mind I had the thought, that I will see them the next weekend or in the following week. This was not the case. However, some very nice news, in September I will already get a visit in Vienna. J Now, I feel very thankful and happy that my family, friends and me are healthy! Life in Austria is good in those strange times of Corona even thought I cannot wait to go out again and have a „normal“ social life, which I really appriciate now!

Right now, my time is filled with many different things. Since this week I am doing home office and cooperate online with the youth centers in Valga country. Luckily, I will continue my project until the end of May, like planned. With the only difference: online and in my homecountry ;)

What about the time before the whole situation with Corona started? Now, you will hear some stories of the times when I was still in Estonia. Enjoy ;) 


One exciting thing I realised this month - there is Kohuke for Estonia, Latvia and even Lithuania! Pretty cool, right? ;)

Actually my memories of march are just filled with Corona, Corona and again Corona. Therefore, I had to open my planner and looked which activities actually happend in March. In the youth center we had crafting clubs, cooked and played nice board games. I never learned hundreds of new board games in seven months! Never cooked so much new dishes and never handicrafted as much as I did the last months. In general, I have to say that during my months abroad I learned a lot of different and new things. From cooking to being more patient or self-confident. The time in Estonia gave me lots of different experiences! One reason for that are the people I have met and the friendships I made! Thank you a lot!

Furthermore, in the beginning of March I also visited a kindergarden in Võru. A volunteer from Austria was working there. I was happy to see her again because I already got to know her in a pre-departure meeting in Austria. It was great, and also exhausting, to be surrounded by so much young and cute children. After a short amount of time I had my kindergarden friends. ;)

As always, traveling is not missing, also in this month. In the beginning of march, me and my friends from Germany (also volunteers in Estonia) took the last chance and went to Riga and Vilnius. Now, I see this trip as an amazing end of my time in Estonia. At this point, I never thought I will be back in Austria in just a couple of days.
I had five incredible funny days filled with lots of good and interesting conversations. From the morning to the evening, we explored those two very nice cities. We visited the national library in Riga, if you have not recognized yet – I am a fan of libraries!, or a viewing platform in Vilnius. In the following pictures you can see some insights..


The first two pictures show the National Library of Riga, where we almost spend three hours inside! :)

Biblio Riga

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And, last but not least, I went to the Keila water falls near Tallinn. I was surrounded by a breathtaking nature and, surpricingly lots of people in times of Corona (of course with safety distance!). At this little trip, I realised again, that Estonia has lots of forests and now, back in Austria, even more! One thing I really miss: the big woods!!

Keila wasserfälle

Take care and stay save!

Some words in german:

Bereits seit zwei Wochen bin ich wieder zurück in Österreich, da die derzeitige Corona Pandemie meinen Auslandsaufenthalt abbrach. In kürzester Zeit packte ich all meine Sachen und schon war ich in Österreich. Doch nicht nur Corona war Teil dieses Monates. Ich bereiste, gemeinsam mit Freunden, Riga – die Hauptstadt von Lettland, und Vilnius – Hauptstadt Litauen. Gemeinsam genossen wir es die zwei schönen Städte zu erkunden und hatten eine lustige und gute Zeit. Außerdem arbeitete ich auch für zwei Tage in einem Kindergarten in Võru, was mir sehr Spaß machte.. Bis bald!

Jaga seda artiklit sõpradega

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