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Projekti „Vabatahtlikud Valgamaa noorsootöös“ toetab SA Archimedese noorteagentuur Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse programmist.



On May 26th I got on a plane again, back to Estonia!

I wasn’t sure if I would even return, so I am happy to sit in my little flat in Hargla again. Despite being in quarantine. Because as of arriving to Tallinn i have to spend 14 days in self-isolation.

Half of it is already over today and I can’t wait to get out and working again! To return to the youthcentre after my Corona-pause.

It wasn’t really a complete pause though, as we did have some online youth work.

I sent in my mini-project again, meaning I adapted the ideas I had to fit to the current situation. The local government opens a fund every two months or so, where youngsters can apply with their own ideas. I wrote in my project - an week-long event about the environment - in February already, but because of Corona we could not do it as planned. So I got to work and with translating help of Madli it wasn’t too hard. Some of our youngsters also had their own ideas for projects, like going canoeing, which I think is great.

Another task I had was to create a treasure hunt. Together with Ronja I thought of 20 locations all over Valga parish and created hints for these. The youngsters can later see the hints online and begin the hunt…

We also had a pets-competition. Everyone could send in a video of their pet doing a trick or just being especially cute. I was tasked to edit all the videos together. It was nice to see so many adorable animals! I have to say though, they do not win against my own beloved cat, Merlin. One advantage of being in Germany again was also getting endless cuddles from him!


Of course I did not only spend time with my cat. Together with my younger sisters I learned to sew (and not only masks), I baked a lot for my family and my older sister introduced my to yoga. With all of the family together we went on some cool trips to the mountains (a little bigger even than the big-egg hill the biggest mountain in Estonia haha). And of course I spent a lot of time with my boyfriend.


I made these myself!


Of course I had a quarantine haircut (I did also shave my boyfriends head)


Despite the nice times I had back home I am stoked to be in Estonia again and to continue the adventure!


Keeping the distance


Everything here is so green now!

Ich bin wieder zurück in Estland! Nach fast zu ruhigen, aber auch merkwürdigen zwei Monaten in Deutschland bin ich jetzt seit einer Woche wieder in Hargla. Ich freue mich total auf die nächsten drei Monate, die ich hoffentlich hier verbringen werde ;)

Jaga seda artiklit sõpradega

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