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Projekti „Vabatahtlikud Valgamaa noorsootöös“ toetab SA Archimedese noorteagentuur Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse programmist.



Lots of sun, family time and voluntary tasks via the internet.

This was my april of 2020. I thought it would come completely different.. But in life you never know to 100% what exactly will happen the next weeks, days or months. Sometimes a virus surprices the population of the whole world.. 


More than one month at home, without seeing my friends or relatives, - quite a hard and challenging start back in Austria, I have to admit. But now I realized how important social life and especially freedom is!

My April was filled with online work tasks for my ESC voluntary service in Estonia and with quality times with my family, nature and studying. If you cannot really imagine how online voluntary work could work, like it was for me in the beginning of this incredible experience, I will now inform you a bit about my tasks I did the last month.

So, basically every week I send different videos, from crafting inspirations for spring and summer time to sport challenges or cooking recipes, on a chat platform where the youngsters have the chance to communicate together. What is more, some youth workers had a great idea to make an emojy quiz on facebook, which was a lot of fun to create. In this game where you have to guess which movie, book or person is meant by these emojys. Kahoot challenges were also part of this extraordinary month, - a quiz about different topics, for instance, the European Solidarity Corps or the youth center where the youngsters could test their knowledge with an interesting form of learning. There are lots of questions with different answers to choose. – Sometimes very difficult ones. ;) I hope the youngsters could fill their free time with some of these activities and made the best of this month. 

Moreover, in April was also an education fair in Estonia. Together with Flora and Madly, we talked about ESC on Zoom, my life saver in these times ;), and all the possibilities youngsters could do after school or even during the school time. It was an interesting and exciting chat that I really enjoyed and I hope we get some good information material for the youngsters.

Because of the current situation my blog is a bit shorter than usual. Last but not least, I have some nature pictures about my home country Austria.. With pretty warm weather for April, - climate change also hit Austria. Forest fires, water shortage or the bark beetle are daily news in the media.


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Some german words: 

Im April hatte ich einige online Aufgaben zu bewältigen die mir Spaß machten und auch mein Leben in Zeiten von Corona ein bisschen spannender machten. Außerdem war ich viel in der Natur und verbrachte Zeit mit meiner Familie. Ich realisierte wie wichtig sozial Kontakte sind und ganz besonders die Freiheit, die nicht für jede Person auf diesem Planeten selbstverständlich ist. 


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