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I always imagined the moment when I would write my last blog and what emotions I would have, I thought about how I should start and finally, let's do it

Even before the start of my volunteering, I looked at the blog of other volunteers, especially the last one, and thought, this is not waiting for me soon, everything is ahead, and that’s all, the end. The last two months have been filled with different emotions, from joy and fun, to sadness and tears. But first things first.

In February, I slowly began to prepare for my return home, bought a ticket, managed to feel sad, but I understood that when something ends, it gives way to something new. I continued to work at school, we prepared dances for the performance with Jandra and the children, and everything went very well. In parallel, there were rehearsals for our performance, which was scheduled for early March, we performed at the cultural center at a retro party. It was quite fun.

What at the beginning, what now, I don’t know how to start a blog (again), so I’ll try on the role of a TV presenter and say - And now it’s news time ✨

New Year in Ukraine
10 months later, I met my family and spent a wonderful week at home with them. We walked a lot, as I acted as a tour guide for Henrique and had a meetings almost every day. All my friends had the opportunity to practice their English - I was giving people cool opportunities.

Long time no see...

I disappeared a bit last month, so this blog will be longer than usual. So, every time is another challenge for me to understand how to start a new blog, for this reason I will just tell everything as it is with a lot of photos.


November is the month of new experiences (again)

I had an active comeback this month, games with kids in kindergarten and at school? hobby groups in the youth centre, cinema with estonian film and independent lessons, but about everything in order. 


Dance - something that always follows me

As I wrote in the previous blog, Madli, Jandra and I had a deal, that I would help in the youth centre, so starting from september I have a feeling which I call multipurpose volunteer, at which I cannot but rejoice, because I have different work every week, which does not let you get bored. For example, this month I started to conduct a new hobby group. First one as you know is the creativity club, so the second one is the dancing club. Pretty interesting experience, I feel a choreographer vibe. Now then, we have active rehearsals once a week, we are preparing for the New Year's concert😏 I want to confess, I was a little scared to conduct  this club, but I had a wonderful support group.

Actually, we didn't say goodbye to my Estonian family. More importantly, 20210905_180830.jpgwe opened champagne to celebrate something, that was our friendship. Cheers then, until next time, to our health..

Ülle's Birthday: Sirje's one of close friends, the dear Ülle. I normally have trouble remember birthday dates. But we visited her on 4th September to celebrate Ülle's birthday. Previously, together with Mattias, we prepared "sarma", the local dish of the Aegean region in Turkey. Its basic ingredients are bulgur, tomato paste, spices, grape leaves, and lemon. 

It will most likely be a very unusual blog from me. News and something special.


September came, so it means only one thing - a new school year. Honestly, I don’t know what I should write about, cause this month I had only a lot of work and a rare meeting with Matviy. With Gaia students we continued to learn english, the month’s theme was “Home”, so we played Kahoot and other games. Kids learnt how to create fun sentences and even built their own houses.

Bitmap image“Poetry and art do not explain the world, they depict it ... A good poem does not tell you how to improve the world; it itself is a piece of an improved world, and therefore there is no need for 'morality' "- Michael Ende.      Almost every book I read, if the chapters have titles, there will always be a match between the title and the chapter of the book. In this chapter, there is a place for creation and destruction, order and chaos, wealth and poverty. Usually, this chapter is the culmination... It's funny to see it in my blog also.

But I'll start in order ... which is known to consist of chaos.

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