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Projekti „Aktiivne noorsootöö Valgamaal“ toetab SA Archimedese noorteagentuur Erasmus+ programmist.



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This month I have been doing a lot of new things, but not in Ritsu. On the contrary, I’ve been in other youth centres like Valga and I was also ‘working’ for a couple of days with INNOVA (I am quoting it because for me it wasn’t such a thing for me); We had a chilling weekend in Viljandi with my favourite ginger making food for us and making us fall in love with him even more (if that is possible), dancing the same songs once and again and sunbathing; and I was In Russia!

20180413_170732.jpgIt was one of the things in my “to do” list. It was there since the beginning. Because it sounded bohem, cool and an encounter with the nature. And when it finally happens, it is not. It is frightening, dark and full of weird noises which reminded you to huge bears and wolves that want to tear your throat apart. Now I am laughing about the situation, actually, I was already laughing about it when a kind and helpful woman took me home after I knocked on her door when it was already night. The important thing is that is a funny anecdote and nothing bad happened.

Get lost in the forest is something that I can cross out from my “to do” list now.


In Ritsu we keep practicing Parkour with Vabadussport, so each 2 weeks I have a weekend full of muscle pain; in Ala, I keep doing my sports club where I just have to listen what kids want to do, that means basketball and football from time to time; with the folk dance group we are learning a new choreography and I’ve learned some new steps; every Tuesday and Friday I try to attend the volleyball trainings in Tõrva Gümnaasium; and on Thursdays I am teaching Spanish to some well-motivated group of women, from whom I also learn some things. And that is part of my routine of being in Ritsu.

And to break the routine...

29177382_10215074422084900_6238728842580590592_o.jpgThis past month was a bit crazy. It was not so much about visiting Estonia, but about travel abroad. Actually just one travel, but it was more than enough. For the first time and may be also the last time, I was in Iceland. As one of my Spanish students said, Estonia was not enough cold.

But actually, the beginning of the month started with that great experience of the defence league in Ritsu. They organize a 3days winter camp and trying to find a place to sleep in the sports hall was a whole adventure with almost 150 youngsters.

27946813_10214794157758467_1968768621_o.jpgJanuary was full of new experiences and nice plans as going to watch Pitch Perfect 3 with friends, walk on a frozen lake or have a tea in the top of the wooden tower here in Tõrva while the sun was setting. After say goodbye to Christmas and my friends of Tallinn and go back to work I still can see Christmas decoration everywhere. What is that? Any kind of tradition? Because we are already in February and still!

And talking about decoration, I should think about the one in my new room, because my Russian flatmate is quitting the voluntary service (sadly) and his room will be empty now and I can move to it (happily). Now we are going to be just two foreign girls living in Tõrva. We are going to celebrate my move this Friday, so if you are reading this on time you can come and share our happiness because we don’t have to share room anymore! Although I had no big problems with that situation, I should confess that I almost killed Nadja just a couple of times when she was snoring and I got insomnia.

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