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Projekti „Aktiivne noorsootöö Valgamaal“ toetab SA Archimedese noorteagentuur Erasmus+ programmist.



WhatsApp Image 2018-03-06 at 10.16.17.jpeg

End of February – so I have most of the time I am here already behind me. :O
I have to admit, that it is a weird feeling. I can remember the first days here so good on the one hand, but on the other those days already seem so far away. Looking back, what I did since then and how I got used to my new surroundings.

I am now used to living alone, managing my day and cook for myself. I also found my place in the Youth Center and keep doing my club. Also I could see already something of Estonia and met other volunteers. :D But still, I have so many plans, what I want to do in the Youth Center and which travels I would like to do…

But let’s talk about February :D

me_ship.jpegMy 2018 started in Tallinn, as I celebrated there New Year with other volunteers, that are already friends, a great firework, lot of dancing and an amazing snowball fight. :D

It seems so “unreal”, that it is already a new year, as my 2017 went by so fast. I graduated from school, had a great summer and came here to Estonia – a decision, about which I am really happy. :D Even weirder to think how many new things will happen in 2018. I am still in Estonia and have already plans, what I will do in the youth center, where I want to travel and what events I will do or visit. And sadly my time here will end and I will start to study something (whatever it will be :D ) in a university. But let´s focus on the time, which I still have here in Estonia. <3

museum_me.jpegNovember is already over and I am asking myself where all the time is left. It seems like yesterday since I left Austria on the one hand and on the other hand I feel like I have been here for a really long time already. :D

My November started with a visit from my family. They rented a car and so we went to see Pärnu, Voru and Tartu. For the first time I had to share my flat with more people and the kitchen was - with us 4 - already full. Nonetheless I really enjoyed that they have been here and that I could show them where I am living. :D



…since I left my usual surrounding behind me, got on the plane and came here to Estonia. I arrived on the 31st of August (2017) and I have to admit, that I did not know a human could feel so much at the same time as I did on this day.

I was nervous about leaving everything that I know and comforts me behind me, but also happy, that I can finally go abroad – a dream I had for a long time already. But I also was sad to leave my friends and family, because I never left them for such a long time. Nonetheless I felt hope – because something new is starting – the possibility to experience situations, that I would not experience in Austria – the possibility of meeting people from all over the world.

(happy me in Riga)

Hey! My name is Nina (for all the Estonians – no in Austria this name has nothing to do with nose) and I am 18 years old. In February (16.02) I am celebrating my birthday. :D 

I am from Austria. Yes – Austria – the small country in the middle of Europa – so no – not Australia. We do not have kangaroos or Santas, which are surfing on Christmas. (as we do not have on the one hand a sea and on the other hand the climate for that).
In Austria I am living in the state called “lower Austria” and there in a village - “Ernsthofen”. It is not the biggest place or a city, but I like it there, as everybody knows each other.

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