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Projekti „Aktiivne noorsootöö Valgamaal“ toetab SA Archimedese noorteagentuur Erasmus+ programmist.



My December... I really enjoyed December. I really liked (and still like) going to the Youth Center, spending the weekends in other places, meeting new people and feeling the Christmas vibes.

Every week there was something, like student company markets, baking cookies and decorating the youth center. Also I went home (Austria), where I finally saw my boyfriend, friends, family and relatives in real-life again. <3 After one week there I came back to Estonia, where I celebrated New Year in Tallinn.

Week of the first advent

December began with reflection together with Tania and Ülla at Helme (on our way to Helme a tree was laying across the road and I learned something new – almost every Estonian has an ax or a chainsaw in his car (yey, I am feeling so safe now :D) – so the tree was really fast chopped into small pieces.)After the reflection in Helme we drove back to Hargla, as an orientation-night at the youth center took place. After getting sorted in team at the orientation-night, we had to do some games. For example, we had to find, according to a piece of map, the next point where to go – and so on :D

Also a “Just Dance”-Competition was part of the night. (I can proudly say, that I won my dance :D)






After several games the winner was announced, and my team made the fascinating last place. But okay, at least we had fun :D In the next morning I went with Nadja to Tartu (thanks to Rasmus we had a really nice drive there, as he drove us with his car :D). 

nadja_me_brillen_tartu.jpegAfter arriving there we met with Sabrina. With the girls I went to a big Christmas market. (more or less, did not really felt like one, as it was inside and even Victoria Secret had a “selling place” :D ) The cool thing was, that we could taste many different things, as the salesman wanted the people to taste their product. :D

After visiting the market we met another volunteer, coming  from France, in a café nearby where we had hot chocolate and a cake.

The rest of the weekend I spent in Tōrva (as I can already call it, my “weekend-home”).

Week of the second advent


In December there are a lot of student company markets (where the youngsters can sell the stuff, they worked on for several months). The first market was in Valga. It was really funny there and also so cool to see what the youngsters have created.

One situation will always stick with me :D – one youngster has created his own business as party-planner. So Tania (me standing next to her) asked, if he also plans marriages. And somehow he thought, that Tania and I will get married and just shaked his head and was like “no, no, no girl-marriage”. Even though we explained there is on the one hand nothing wrong, if two girls want to get married and on the other hand, that we are not getting married, he told us every time, that he will plan our marriage. (so if you asking yourself – yes, seems like I am now getting married to my “mother” :D I hope they do not have a problem with that in Estonia – it just will be a bit hard to explain to the kids… :D )

After this funny day I had to say goodbye to my (now) fiancé and drove with the youngsters to a place, where we could sleep, as we went to Pärnu on the next day. :D

The Pärnu market was really really big – a lot of things to see and to eat … hehe :D

After a nice time there I met with Kristiina (Estonian girl from Hargla, but now living in Pärnu).As she had to work (she is working in a supermarket, which has its opening hours from Monday to Sunday from 8 or 9 until 22 o’clock, even though she is going to school - impressing), I went to the city. :D

Later I came back to her flat and prepared myself for bed, when Kristiina came home we ate some pizza, we talked and at some point I fell asleep.


In the next morning we decided to make muffins for breakfast (they were so good, omg – chocolate muffins, what else could you ask for ? :D ). Then we went to the city again and she showed me the nice spots of Pärnu. (the biggest Maxima for example, or a nice “bird-watch-tower”) Even t hough it had plus degrees it was freezing cold, thanks tothe wind.

On Monday Kristiina had to go to school again and I drove home :D – but before driving home I checked the tower again, as it was sunny outside :D (yes, there was actually sun in Estonia)

Week of the third advent

In this week, I met my mentor, called Marelle, again. :D We talked a lot, as she was in Martinique and we haven’t seen each other in a while. :D


As it was the last week before Christmas everything in the youth center was a bit different – but in a good way :D we decorated the house, put lights up and in my German lesson I made a “Christmas Special”, as we cooked “Kaiserschmarrn”. (delicious and easy to make - by the way :D) It was just a bit of a “fail”, because, when I tried to show them, how to make it, I did not manage, to flip the “pancake” as a whole, but okay :D (I guess most people know already, that I am not a master in the kitchen, as I am good at burning things (like christmas-cookies (throwback to the last week of November :D)))

Another cool thing was, that on  December 15 an event in Valga took place, where Tania, Rasmus and I went. So we dressed well and went there – it was a really nice event, a lot of people won prices, so my hands started to hurt a bit thanks to all the clapping, but okay, in the end there was cake for everyone and the hurting hands were forgotten. :D

In the next morning we went to Tartu, where another student company market took place. But actually we did not spent so much time at the market, as we went eating with other youth workers :D (we ate really good – for dessert a chocolate-lava-cake – heaven is a place on earth :DD) 

In the evening, after the market was over, I went to Tōrva, where Tania, Nadja and I baked some cookies, made dinner and watched movies. – a really nice weekend :D

Week of the fourth advent – also called CHRISTMAS


On the day before I went home there was the school Christmas party in the Youth Center. Every youngster had something to do and it was really nice. In the end Santa Clause itself came and had some presents … yey, one was also for me and I was the lucky one, who had to go – all alone – on the stage and answer some random questions. Being surprised, all my Estonian seemed to be blown out of my head. :D (not at all weird, standing in front of Estonians, not knowing what to do, on a stage where everybody can see you :D )

Luckily I still got my present (a card, where all the youngsters and Rasmus signed <3, a self made teddy bear, honey, fish, something like a flour (I guess) and lots of sweets :D ).

After the party Rasmus drove me to Valga, where I slept at Tamara's place to reach the bus in the morning to Riga.

From Riga I went by airplane to Austria, Vienna, where my boyfriend waited for me. <3

We went to the christmas market, enjoyed to see each other again after 4 months seeing each other only via Skype and then went home (Ernsthofen). There I met my family and my best friend also came. :D

In the week at home I managed to see all my friends and relatives again. I had a really good time there <3 and I can't wait, until they see something of Estonia. :D

On the 30th I took the plane to Riga again. After landing I went directly to Tallinn, where I celebrated new year. :D

30th/31st of December

On the 30th of December I arrived in the evening at Tallinn. Even though I had already a long day, I went out with two other girls. It was much fun, as we danced a lot :D


On the 31st we slept long and after finally getting up we went to the city.

In Tallinn there’s the opportunity to go ice skating, so we did that. It was so great and the time passed by so fast :D The beginning was a bit choppy, but in the end you could not really tell a difference to a professional (at least we felt like that :D)

About Silvester itself I will tell you in the next blog – “see” you next time :D – nonetheless – head uut aastat! <3

Mein Dezember war echt toll. Ich durfte, wie am Anfang schon erwähnt, viel erleben und Orte besuchen.

Ich bin nach wie vor sehr glücklich in Estland und bin froh, die „dunkle Zeit“ gut zu überstehen. Trotzdem habe ich mich auch wieder auf zu Hause gefreut und bin froh, alle wieder gesehen zu haben.

Jetzt freue ich mich auch wieder darauf, dass es etwas länger hell bleibt und habe mir schon ein paar Reiseziele, Bastelideen für meinen Club und Dinge fürs Youth Center überlegt. (die sich hoffentlich auch umsetzen lassen :D)


(If you have any questions, let me know: Facebook: Nina Leimlehner, Instagram: estoni.n.a)

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