How is it possible that November is over already?! It feels like it just started a few days ago and suddenly Christmas is around the corner already…
The reason why November passed so fast is probably all the things I did, saw and experienced throughout the last 30 days. Those were…
… N as in New clubs
... O as in Oh, the first snow!
… V as in Viljandi
… E as in Estonian concert
… M as in Mardipäev traditions
… B as in Baking piparkook for the Braingame
… E as in Evening in Tartu and the Estonian language maybe isn’t even so hard
… R as in Riga
Wow, so my second month here is finished now! Only 9 months left, time must be somehow passing faster in Estonia!
October held a lot of interesting activities, experiences and things for me. That includes...
O as in Orange leaves
C as in Coldness
T as in Travelling
O as in Opening event for student companies (and Other stuff I did)
B as in Birthday party and Brain game
E as in Eating in good pubs and bistros
R as in Random people talking to me in Estonian
October started on monday. For some reason, that has been something good for me, it was easy to know the day i was living. Every day i´ve been looking through the window, watching the trees losing all their leafs, and the grass covered by ice in the morning. The winter has come (At least, for me). There was even snow already. Snow in October (what!?, OMG!!). I will talk about that further.
Tere! My name is Gabriel Escobar Martín, and i´m a 22 years-old photographer from Murcia, a medium-sized city in the south-west of Spain (Medium-sized in Spain, in Estonia it would be a very big metropolis). I finished video and photography studies in February and i started to work in a regional newspaper. After some months working in something that i really like (taking pictures) i decided to do something else with my life so, now, I´m doing a EVS in Tõrva, working mainly in Ritsu Youth Room and in Tõrva noortekeskus -but also all around Valga County- with youngsters. How has been my experience after one month (and six days) in Estonia?
A couple of months ago, when i tell to my friends and family i was going to live eleven months in Estonia, they always asked two questions «Where is that?» and «Why?». I had a response for the first question, but not for the second one.
Hi! My name is Melina, I’m 18 years old and I’m from Austria.
I just finished school this year and decided to do a volunteering service abroad before starting to study. For one month I’ve been in Estonia now, working in the Taheva Youth Centre and living in the small village of Hargla. If you want to learn more about me and my first experiences here, keep reading! 😊
My September was…
S as in Short
E as in Estonian
P as in Priceless
T as in Tricky
E as in Eventful
M as in Memorable
B as in Bittersweet
E as in Educational
R as in Remarkable