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Projekti „Aktiivne noorsootöö Valgamaal“ toetab SA Archimedese noorteagentuur Erasmus+ programmist.



When October was over, immediately, another month know as November came to take his place. November has been an intense month, full of moments to remember. For example, when we went to McDonald´s to sleep. But i´ll talk about that further.

Part of what makes working in a youth centre so great is that you get the chance to do some really cool stuff you probably wouldn’t be doing otherwise, without even having to pay for it.

For example this month I could try ice fishing, sleep in a fancy hotel in Tallinn, do cross-country skiing, see the Eesti Laul final rehearsal and visit a very interesting energy centre also in Tallinn – and all of it for free! But let’s talk about everything in chronological order...


Last month and last tasks for Tankla. So this is the last time that my name is gonna be here as an author. The next blogs will be written by Gabriel (Ritsu) and Melina (Hargla). It means that they are already there and I have already seen that kids are gonna be in the right hands.

About me and my project, well, it is ended and it has been a bunch of adventures thanks to the people who have helped me in all the difficulties this year, but also in all the good things that had made this year amazingly special.  

Thanks to have crossed my path and been so kind to have opened your arms to me. Not anymore a stranger.


The end is coming. How many good bye parties have I been invited to already? I can’t really say, but too many. Everybody is leaving. At that point even Nina has left me alone here. And also my good bye party will arrive soon.

I’ve been in a working camp, in summer camps and in Viljandi Folk festival, and although I wanted to do some trip I was so exhausted after all that, that I was just sleeping and resting when I was not working. The good thing is that I was doing it in the beach and now I have a nice tanned, so I will be accepted back in Spain.


This month was my birthday’s month, so everything was like “you will not be young anymore”, “you are getting old”, bla bla bla. But also the same ones who were saying that to me made my birthday celebration remarkable, funny and special. They got me chocolate, cake and laughs. And I could not be happier and thankful about the people I’ve met in Estonia.

Althought other events made my June full of new memories, like the Tõrva Kohvikute Päev, being a volunteer in Tartu for the Gaudeamus and being surrounded by singing Lithuianians, hard farewells, jumping from the Vanamõisa wooden Tower, get ugly bruises because of that, playing my first beach-volley tournament in Riiska...

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