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Projekti "Muudame noortega töö nähtavaks" toetab SA Archimedese noorteagentuur Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse programmist.



It will most likely be a very unusual blog from me. News and something special.


September came, so it means only one thing - a new school year. Honestly, I don’t know what I should write about, cause this month I had only a lot of work and a rare meeting with Matviy. With Gaia students we continued to learn english, the month’s theme was “Home”, so we played Kahoot and other games. Kids learnt how to create fun sentences and even built their own houses.

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Youth centre

Also I started to help Madli in the youth centre, now we have a new hobby group “creativity club”, thus I had the opportunity to go back to high school and make spiders with eyes, as well as slimes. P.S. Look at this cuties🥰🕷

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One weekend I got to Latvia, don’t ask why, but it was kinda fun, except for the fact that there were frogs and snakes along the way. After this we had a mini goodbye party for Matviy where even Vicky and Xava attended, online. I was once again convinced that Estonia has given me amazing people.

Oh, and as an interesting bit, in October I hope to make my mini-project in Hargla, which you will learn about very soon, so stay tuned.

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Emotions and thoughts

You know, I caught myself thinking that I have been in Estonia for half a year, away from home, and I wanted to share my moral state and thoughts that I have had all this time. I want to be honest, and maybe this information will help future volunteers prepare for the next stage of life. So, I remember how  I arrived, as a lost person, everything was unclear, kids looked at me with interest and at the same time misunderstanding. The first weeks were very unusual and even sad, and then I decided to listen to my mother's advice "open your heart” and everything changed for the better. The children started reaching out to me, smiling and making contact. After all this, I can only say that yes, sometimes you may be sad, sometimes you will be lost, but the main thing is to understand that this is all normal, you are a living person and these are your emotions.


And also, now I'm a little sad for the reason that only I, from our company, stayed in Estonia, since Matviy is leaving next week(already left). At such moments you realize that when you’re coming as a last volunteer it’s terrible.


 Цікавістю не пахне, але я старалася. Як є)

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