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Projekti "Muudame noortega töö nähtavaks" toetab SA Archimedese noorteagentuur Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse programmist.



After a long camping marathon, it was time to rest. Enjoyed the holiday with my family. Mother Sirje works in a kindergarten in the city of Valga. I accompanied her for 2 working days. All day, I was a partner in the activity times of the children in several classes accompanied by the teachers  💫 💫WhatsApp_Image_2021-09-02_at_7.41.58_PM.jpeg

The first thing that caught my attention was the difference between Estonian and Russian children. Estonian children were more calm and shy, while Russian children were sociable and used their body language actively. So, it was interesting that the difference between the two societies differed so sharply from childhood 💭💭

Dilara's Farewell Party: It's time for my sister, whom we crossed paths with in Estonia, to go. Since the time we met, we have had good memories together in Tõrva, Tartu and Tallinn. We have given our Estonian family plenty of Turkish cultural diversity. Beautiful and meaningful memories are left behind 

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💬💬I aim to write the rest by focusing entirely on my Erasmus+ training.

After completing the 3 camp processes, I started to apply for Erasmus+ training on the SALTO website. I applied for training specifically targeting youth workers. 

🗝🗝🧮My aim was to become equipped with informal training on “youth worker” and “youth leader” and to be a part of a universal understanding of values ​​by uniting with international participants around a common understanding. I believed that these training sessions would offer me the opportunity to become someone who is more open and broad-minded in finding solutions to real problems in daily life, and who can easily turn conflict into reconciliation.

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📍📍As a result of my applications, I attended the "YOUTH WORKER BECOMES GROUP LEADER" training to be organized in Otepää 🔊 The training was handled by the Estonian organization Seiklejate Vennaskond. Instructors were Heleri Alles, Kristi Reilent and Sebastian Graca Da Silva. With the support of Heleri Alles, I took part in the training as a "Support Staff" with Valdo Essmann and Natalia Siereda.

✔️In line with this title, we were expected to assist the trainers in the preparation of materials during the training, to take initiative in the use of digital resources and to show a solution approach to the problems of the participants.

✔️During each training day, we recorded the approaches of the participants during the tasks, group discussions, and the process of adopting a common understanding with video, and we aimed to create concrete outputs from the training contents based on these recordings.

✔️At the end of each training day, we prepared a report containing the definition/purpose of the tasks/outputs of the participants.

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📕👉At the beginning, participants arrived in Estonia from 11 different countries. The participants came together at the Marguse Sports Center. Due to the necessity of the covid process, each participant was tested for covid. In order to keep the healthy environment stable, all participants were informed about the rules to be followed throughout the training. Organizers and participants adopted common rules about the conditions necessary to keep the Erasmus+ educational environment healthy. After the necessary rules were decided, various ice-breaker games were played for the participants to get to know each other better.The aim was to facilitate the adaptation of the participants to the intercultural communication and learning environment. The courage of the participants was supported with activities to increase their international communication skills.

📘👉Participants were supported to work on learning methods, which is one of the keystones in Erasmus+ training, by dividing them into groups. Based on their non-formal, informal and formal education qualifications, the participants matched each case with the right type of education. The aim here was to raise the awareness of the participants about the type of training they attended and the fields they plan to attend/consider working in the future. Starting from non-formal education, 8 key competences were matched with 8 different basic tasks, and it was aimed for the participants to establish a concrete link between each task and quality. It was a meaningful activity targeting what key competences they should use if they had to overcome similar tasks or difficulties in daily life.

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📗👉The training content aimed to help participants take precautions against group problems and risks that may arise if they become youth leaders. Focusing on the main purpose of this training, the participants were to ensure that we were not prepared for the different scenarios that could arise if we were a true group leader. In particular, I took care to give my full attention to the group leadership tasks where we have to work on real scenarios like these and so on. because after this training was over, I was aiming to be a constructive and understanding group leader with my theoretical and practical skills.

🎯🎯🎯When a whole training week was evaluated, the participants worked on tasks on 8 key competences, youth worker/leader cases with different difficulties/risks, non-formal/in-formal/formal education features, project writing and organizing processes. 

☑️📖At this point of the training, we participated as assistants. We brainstormed on how to share all the informal training methods the youth worker received during the process of becoming a group leader, the digital tools that support the educational knowledge we gained, the project ideas addressed to youth leaders, the content of the presentations and the project preparation process in our society. As a result of brainstorming, we created an art gallery.

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📌We knew why we were in this training

📌We were young people suitable for the target audience of education

📌We learned the difference between the types of education (non formal-informal-formal)

📌We learned about 8 key competences that we personally need to support

📌We actively participated in informal trainings that support these qualifications and strengthen our group leader qualifications.

📌Are we strong enough?

???What do we need now

📢We need to find ways to transfer the information passed to us to future group leaders by acting as a bridge

🔜For this purpose, according to the whole training program, the participants decided on the training they wanted to give in their own country. Based on the project draft presented by the educators, the project content was prepared with a target of at least 3 hours. The aim here was to give the participants the opportunity to create a project where they could transfer the “common values ​​of youth workers and leaders” they learned theoretically to future youth leaders in daily life. Participants shared project drafts with each other.


🌍Now, as the group leader, we have a 3-hour training program that I prepared with my Turkish participant friends 📑📊 The name of our training is "The Collaboration of Group Leader-Digital Tools"📑📊  With these trainings, participants will learn,

  • A set of digital tools available to them and how to use them later🎯
  • How to access different digital tools and free🎯
  • How the use of various digital tools supports the group leader competencies🎯
  • Which tools are better suited to certain tasks and activities🎯

🌈Dear friends, I am ready to share with you the non formal training in Estonia and the social opportunities that will strengthen your skills and enable you to be a productive individual. 

During my volunteering service, I took the title of "Youth worker" seriously, I learned my target audience, my duties and working methods by experiencing it. Erasmus+ training, especially targeting "youth workers", will provide you with theoretical knowledge in an international learning environment with fun methods.

🪐Education is in all areas of life. Clean, renew and renovate the window you only look out of. It works very well…🧿🧿

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Artık ben de gitmeye hazırım. Gelecek hedeflerimi gerçekleştirebilmem için buradaki görevime veda etmem gerekiyor. Veda videosu yakında gelecek. Önümüzdeki hafta çocuklar için Türk konsepti ile etkinlikler organize edeceğim. 

Estonya'ya kesinlikle kış için tekrar geleceğim. Hatta kışın 2-3 ay yaşamaya varım. Dinç ve güçlü hissettiriyor.

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