Projekti "Muudame noortega töö nähtavaks" toetab SA Archimedese noorteagentuur Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse programmist.
...before leaving Estonia – that’s what August was all about. Haven’t done your projects yet or seen any national parks? Well, one month is surprisingly less time to do finish up your todo-list. But guess what, in the last meters I definitely sprinted to reach most of my goals…
Feet in hands and work - the motto of my August.
But let's not forget that volunteers are also people, so as it often happens, I sometimes turned on the burrito mode🌯 when I just wanted to wrap myself in a blanket and ... actually that’s all.
Let's get started. The month began with the fact that I set myself the goal to solve all problems, finish all the tasks and spend my week off in Portugal with a calm soul, which later turned into a retreat from the phone in mornings(and work in the evenings, because only then i had an Internet). I can't say that it was planned, but I'm happy.
After a long camping marathon, it was time to rest. Enjoyed the holiday with my family. Mother Sirje works in a kindergarten in the city of Valga. I accompanied her for 2 working days. All day, I was a partner in the activity times of the children in several classes accompanied by the teachers 💫 💫
The first thing that caught my attention was the difference between Estonian and Russian children. Estonian children were more calm and shy, while Russian children were sociable and used their body language actively. So, it was interesting that the difference between the two societies differed so sharply from childhood 💭💭
I won't lie, at first the thought slipped through my mind that July was not particularly productive, but it was exactly until the moment when I sat down to remember all the events. Somehow there were a lot of them, so without extra words, we begin.
As I mentioned in the last blog, there were two more camps waiting for me, but for some circumstances it was only one - Specter. It was quite the active 3 day period, during which my task was to conduct games in which water should take place(it sounds strange, but it's true), however, everything went well, except for the weather - there were huge thunderstorms for 2 days, and as a result, the tents of some children were broken, everything got wet, and the equipment took a complete shower. But thanks God, everything is fine and ended well. Now shortly about why my Malev was canceled, two words - Night Fair, which you will learn more about)
…even if there would have been a few situations, action, stress and fun always distracted me xD. This month I spent on two camps, got some visitors from afar and used my covid pass to cross a few boarders. As you can see, my bed missed me also in July xD
But let’s start with the 1st of July: On this day, Madli and Elina picked Xaver and me up for a little surprise- Our “farewell”-trip. Yep, soon it’s time to go, but thankfully not in July (at least for me). So our Tutors organized a nice day for us: First we went to a climbing park in Otepää, then got some delicious food and ended with spotting Estonian animals in a rescue center. Probably one climbing parkour was the first time I nearly shed a tear (of fear), but thankfully, a woman before me did that job (she had a panic attack I guess) and so I pulled myself together. As I said, no time to cry in July lol.