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Projekti "Muudame noortega töö nähtavaks" toetab SA Archimedese noorteagentuur Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse programmist.



What at the beginning, what now, I don’t know how to start a blog (again), so I’ll try on the role of a TV presenter and say - And now it’s news time ✨

New Year in Ukraine
10 months later, I met my family and spent a wonderful week at home with them. We walked a lot, as I acted as a tour guide for Henrique and had a meetings almost every day. All my friends had the opportunity to practice their English - I was giving people cool opportunities.

By the way, there were some troubles here too, when I flew out from Tallinn, there were as many people as possible and everyone was almost late for their flights, so everything shifted and I arrived at three in the morning. My cat did not expect such a lot of people and active moving in the house, so she just hid, and my sister muttered something(i think it was greetings) in a half-asleep state. And when I flew away, I almost missed the flight again, they even called my name (+ 1 new experience)😹

I left Ukraine 4 days before my birthday, so my suitcase was filled not only with food and salo, but also with gifts from my family. On January 14th, I turned 19 years old, which was unusually, to be honest, because the history of my volunteering began at the age of 17 (taking into counting the preparation and interview with Rasmus).


In the morning, work was waiting for me in the kindergarten, so when I entered the building, I was met by children with postcards and gifts, but that's not all. After work, a pie from Henrique was waiting for me at home and a surprise by Jandra and Keiu with the children who sang a song for me and gave me bright yellow tulips and unusually beautiful pink flowers (botany is not my forte). It was the best birthday even though I didn't have my Valga Gang with me. I will see one part of the gang soon, but more on that in the February blog))


Estonia opened me from a different side,  I dabbled in art and needlework, so in the end of a day I can be seen with watercolors or crochet hooks. I want to say that this is an ideal means of relaxation after work and that the most beautiful thing is that I can do it. Proofs here


Continuing the theme of art, I finally finished my first cup. Yes, she squints a little, but I'm so proud of myself that it all fades into the background, so without further ado, just take a look at this. And yes, again the colors of the Ukrainian flag, but what can I do? I love Ukraine

photo 2022 01 26 13 02 44

Skiing and a tree lover🌳

Oh, now it's time for the most beautiful part of the blog, I will tell you about my first skiing experience or how I hugged all the trees near Võru. Jandra decided that I should try this, because what it's like to be in Estonia in winter and not try skiing - shame, shame, guys. And I, after long and painful doubts, tried  and it was fun, so I just rode and smiled, trying to keep my legs intact. Looking at the kids I work with who ride confidently, and even if they fall, get up and try again. Therefore, the insight is this: If you wanna to learn something, you must not be afraid to fall.

So, about hugging trees, my legs decided that I should always go to the left, so that it doesn’t happen, and according to the law of meanness, all the trees were on the left. Let's all write off the fact that I want to understand better in botany.

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I have nothing new with work, stability, school, kindergarten, a lot of children, without whom I will be sad in Ukraine. We continue to study English and not only. Jandra even told me the phrase that I am already like a real teacher, proud Dasha mode - ON.

This is how we live

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