Projekti "Muudame noortega töö nähtavaks" toetab SA Archimedese noorteagentuur Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse programmist.
Vici, congratulate me. I, too, like you, sat at home for a month and did not go out anywhere. This was also forced but cause other reasons. At least I fulfilled all the goals set by you, except for finding the sock. He evaporated. And your things are in the hands of friends. Literally in “sõbralt sõbrale”
So why was the hero of this story mostly sitting at home? This is very simple: this month was the last one on the project. The apartment that Victoria and I were given to live in in the near future will not be settled, which means that all things must be shoveled and then removed/thrown away. With a heavy burden, I had to face that what I had spawned I had to kill. September is on fire, but I'm not crying. Goodbye to the garden, you gave out delicious yellow tomatoes this year, and parsley will forever remain between my teeth in my heart. Sorry Frankenstein, but you've grown too big. I couldn't take you with me. It's time for you to get back to your family, but I'll be waiting for a postcard from you for Christmas or Easter. I had to sweat a lot to make a complete wipeout of the apartment, but boredom and loneliness did their job and now the rooms are sterile as for laboratory conditions. I even wanted to cook something, but the ingredients had already been eaten by that time)) Future volunteers do not worry - a starting loot box has been left for you, in which you will find a lot of all s
orts of useful things. I could not leave her in the apartment, so she will be waiting for you at the Valga youth center
The problem of the future me finally caught up with the "future me" and tried to hit on the sly. But I was ready. It costs a lot of money to come here during covid. I had to spend the entire amount for the round trip only one way. So I needed to return on my own, and here it is, the problem of the future has come to me. After receiving my last payment and deducting the money for the ticket from it, I had less than 70 euros left in my hands. I could have lived on them for three weeks, but I had a cooked beet, which, except in a "fur coat", I did not know where to put it ... for the last two weeks I have been eating what was left in the corners of the kitchen. I have never cooked a different meal as often as this month. Because usually I do not buy corn, and if I do buy it for a certain dish. And here I needed to have a creative approach. Reflections of the following type: "yeah ... there is corn and flour ... hmm ... HMMMMMMM .... Ok "banosh" it's your time" (banosh is not done that way). I am immensely grateful to my neighbor for being thrifty and for not having to spend a lot of money on food. With grief in half, I somehow ate this month
The last month of work in the youth center fell on a small reshuffle. During Malev's time, they brought us a new TV set, and with a splint, we slightly changed the arrangement of furniture on the quiet. Now the craft zone is in the main hall, and the tennis table is in the kitchen. The sofas are arranged in a row so as to create two zones for board games, and balls are thrown around the TV. The useless cabinet from the blue room is now useful and used to store creative sets. Everything became practical and all that was left was to wait for the children from the lessons
So the time has come for my "big project". Back in February, I realized what I wanted to do as the ESC mini-project, but either covid or other tasks and participation in them constantly postponed the real start. In September, children began to walk more (PlayStation promotes) and they began to choose a design. It took two weeks for everyone to participate and the choice of the majority was the impostor logo from among us ... Fortunately, the veto worked and instead of a simple and uninteresting logo, they chose a complex (in terms of building a picture) and time-consuming crossover. It only remained to bring it to life. I had to spend a lot of time creating stencils and getting my new pants “for 40 hryvnias” dirty. But it was worth it. With the help of the crossover, the desires of those who want an impostor, those who want a creeper, and those who want to be able to adapt to new mascots were embodied. Since it is not difficult to work with stencils, and I marked all the main corners with tape, the kids took part in the painting. And when we finished we made a small event and farewell in the style of Minecraft, where I, as a character of this game, have to go on a new journey and I need help with equipment. To do this, I made a box and they came up with what kind of face I would have in this game. We also painted the sword and made potato pancakes so that I would not get hungry on the way. In the end, I gave one of the kids a sword and assigned him to guard the palaces of this house.
While the community was choosing a picture, I was busy with pressing matters. You know, sleep, cook food, set up a TV in Karula so that you can watch YouTube without ads. I cleaned my room and received a certificate of knowledge of Estonian at the B2 level. Just a few things, you know. Of course, my level of Estonian is about A2/A1, but the OLS system for the Estonian language is so crooked that I only learn how to laugh with chickens, and the final test is passed in 30 minutes using a scientific poke method. And of course, I became the owner of the famous Youth Pass. I had to think for a long time what exactly to write in my competence, and then the same amount to rewrite so that it sounded normal
In general, I'm proud
The very last challenge for me was returning home. This publication will be launched on October 5, but I am writing this text while at the airport and still do not realize that this is the end of the story. The last chapter of the book. Where you farewell the heroes and search for a hint of a sequel. But I have the feeling that I'm just moving. Maybe it’s because of my callous heart or because I’m not attached to anyone, but I have no regrets. I remember many moments and close them in the Horcruxes as the Volan de Mort did with his soul. Each thing in the photo is all the memories and adventures that I had. Now it is not just a memory, but a physical thing. I will remember the coolest transportation system. Children and adolescents with whom I spent time at the YC. The youth center itself and the events that were created with the help of it. And most importantly, I will remember the people I met here and I’m not afraid to call them friends.
People who have been taught how to sort the garbage correctly. People who made me go out and travel around Estonia. People with whom you can talk about serious stuff and not expect them to be judged. People who accept me for who I am. These people deserve a place not only in the Horcruxes but also in my heart, black from smoke and burning. If you are in Ukraine, write down - I will arrange for you the coolest trip around Kyiv and the whole country, with blackjack and annotations
I myself will spend the next year in a small town called Okhtyrka. I have a house there and this house needs a major overhaul. I will hope that I have enough money and strength for this.
Someone said that the whole world is a theater and we are actors in it. I absolutely disagree with this phrase. After all, a theater cannot exist without a script or a novel. Our life is like books. We write down our stories, recipes, doubts, and joys in it, and then show it to the whole world on stage or in a dark library. We are writers in this Theater. One person said during the observation: "volunteers are divided into two types: teenagers who just graduated from school and do not know what to do, and successful individuals who realized that they had chosen the wrong path." Volunteering gives this writer a chance to manifest within himself and understand what kind of book you want to write about himself. A blog or personal notes can be helpful for self-study, but sometimes it's worth looking at other heroes' experiences as well. I think everyone already understands that the names of my blogs are the titles of books that I associated with each "chapter" of this endless story. In the text itself, I also have a lot of references to pop culture, music, and other memes, but unfortunately, the difficulties of translation can distort the understanding of the original source. I would like to briefly tell you about them if you have not read them yet (not in short, if you are not interested, just read the last one)
“How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” - Dale Carnegie
According to the author, the first and most important thing that a person should know about anxiety is that in order to displace anxiety from his life, it is necessary to distinguish between the past and the future by all means. Carnegie proposes to install "iron doors" between them, thereby creating the "pressurized compartments" of today. It is necessary to live in the present, not regretting the past and not worrying about the future. Otherwise, past experiences and thoughts of hope will generate anxiety and worry.
This is exactly what I tried to do. Once on a volunteer project, I did not have roots that would pull me back, however, at the same time, the existing experience and burns from life prevented me from tightly closing the shutters and starting this new chapter
“Divide et impera” (Divide and Conquer) - Guy Julius Caesar
In politics and sociology, “divide and conquer” is a strategy of gaining and maintaining power by dividing a large concentration of power into groups that individually have less power. Effective use of this technique allows small forces to control those who have more power together (or would have more power if they could unite).
And this is exactly how I saw the horizontal hierarchy of youth centers in Valga in the second month of my residence. Well, also As such, there is no book with such a title, because this is more a maxim from the dogmas of the Roman Senate, but if you are interested in reading how this policy works, I can recommend "Il Principe" Machiavelli. It will be useful for people entering politics to read.
In March, I wrote about a whole library, namely:
"How to Stay Alive: The Ultimate Survival Guide for Any Situation" - Edward Michael "Bear" Grylls
Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood - Quentin Tarantino
"Works and Days" - Gesiodus
1000 and 1 nights - al-Mas'ûdî, & Ibn al-Nadîm
There is little to say about them. The first will give advice on living in extreme conditions, the second did not come out as a book at all and was reworked into a script, and the tales from the last two are nothing more than new stories that can be read. But the third month was exactly the same and so extensive that there is no book that completely covers the entire month.
Waste Tide - Chen Qiufan
Like many other books about dystopia, the book confronts the reader with the problems of pollution and recycling, but it does so on the part of activists and workers that they are doing this, and this is exactly the kind of activist I saw Victoria, who every week thought what could be done out of a can, which I would throw it in the trash at the first opportunity and was looking for the 2nd type of plastic as if it were gold in the plastic world
17 Moments of Spring - Julian Semyonov
That month I really had 17 events that I would like to describe and the title of the book here is just for that. The book itself tells about the adventures of a spy inside the Reichsfuehrer Security Service and Operation Sunrise. Not that I was planning to disrupt any event, but the thesis "At home among strangers, a stranger among friends'' ideally fell on how I feel among society
Wes Andersen's Full Moon Kingdom and Robert Zemeckis' Back to the Future were not written as books, but an original script was written for them, and their storyline and philosophy overlapped with what was happening during those months of volunteering. I highly recommend checking them out if you haven't seen them yet.
Books for dummies from IDG are books for dummies. Tips on how to learn to play the guitar and an introduction to calculus. I cannot advise you on a specific book, but if you are a beginner specialist and you are tired of advice on a topic, this publisher will give them. And I gave advice in the last blog
The endless story of Michael Ende
At first, the writer could not think over the plot in detail (Ende did not even believe that he would be able to stretch it over a hundred pages), and then he could not come up with the ending. In the process, Ende decided that the book should have a two-color font: red for Bastian's storyline and blue or green for Atreijo's storyline. The original edition was illustrated by Rosita Quadflig, who in turn suggested the idea that each chapter should begin with a vignette.
At first, I did not know what to write about, because simply retelling what happened is boring and uninteresting, and then I could not come up with an ending for each article, because when you start writing thoughts go in different directions and it is not possible to quickly stop at one thing.
This children's adventure book is about a boy who found a book called "Endless Story" where all the stories are actually real. Do you see already how deep the rabbit hole?. But that is not all. Inside there are secret symbols and messages, occult themes, and philosophy that a simple child will not notice. It was this book that suggested the idea of each blog being a separate book/script. And the call of "true will" engraved on the back of the aurin ("Tu was du willst") is one of the pillars on which I have been building my whole life.
In my opinion, it turned out very well. And the reader may have found an interesting book that he wants to read/watch in the future
That's all folks. Last blog on mine. but there will be more on my insta page...probably… For those who will come - do not fear the fear. It might be seen from your watchtower that this is hard or unbelievable. But it's not. Make your own story and welcome on a voluntary path. I'll see you on the other side of the road
MTF (hear as “Empty “F””)
Ось і закінчується моя маленька подорож і я покидаю країну мрій. Далі мене чекає велике ніщо, і знаєте що? Я можливо не готовий до цієї рокової зустрічі, однак я точно цього не боюся. Сьогоднішня глава можливо остання у цій книзі та цьому блозі, однак як мінімум чотири роки я буду писати далі. Чекайте продовження історій в Інстаграмі та можливо на інших платформах.
Відпочивайте. Сьгодні картиночок більше не буде