Projekti "Muudame noortega töö nähtavaks" toetab SA Archimedese noorteagentuur Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse programmist.
In early August, I decided to take a week off. I agreed with the person that I would come to Tallinn and help her with the project, but having already paid for the shelter, I received the news that the project is being delayed and my help is not required yet .... Lol. I’m so used to this. So I began to explore the area like a real stalker, and here are some of my travel tips and Tallinn:
1. You can live without a bank card, but it's difficult. There is no online shopping without a card. A train ticket costs 8% more. You can register and replenish the travel card only at special kiosks. You cannot book a hotel
2. Booking is lying. Hostels are lying too. On the site, I saw that the hostel is cheap and there are places. Upon arrival, it turned out that he was all busy and I had to look for a free bed throughout the old city (with a cart of things) for another 2 hours.
3. In any case, a hostel is much better than a hotel. It's cheaper. The people in the hostel are at least your age, and at least your age, from another country, and they always offer to have fun. If you are traveling alone, it’s exactly your choice.
4. Tallinn "tourist" costs one day. 60% of all points fall on the old city, another 30% of its surroundings. The remaining 10% are hidden gems that cannot be found without the help of local ones (and it is not necessary)
5. Tourist Tallinn can be combined with Museum Tallinn. It is 2 days, but also more expensive (entrance starts from 5 euros) or with Tallinn Kinematoshny (which I did). It is 2 days and there is no entrance fee. The only drawback is that most of these are abandoned or closed territories - only for real stalkersOn the second day, walking around the city was boring, but it's good that there were friends and the need to create documents. in total, three days were spent with benefit and little blood
Since a full-fledged vacation did not happen, I returned to help in the next project. Vici needed to finish the balcony and close the project that had been going on (since May?) so long. The work was in full swing for a week and during this time, with the help of the kids, the balcony began to look more like a summer terrace than a desert made for mad max. The tips are as follows:
1. Pallets are nailed. If the nail is small. Adding a load from the inside of the die, it will pull out. Better to rebuild using screws or bolts
2. If there are no standard tools (nail pliers, pliers) you can use a hammer and rage. In order to disassemble the pallet, this is quite enough.
3. When calculating the project, you need to understand that the delivery of goods is also working time. a small maneuver "Bring a gate bar from the corner" in your hands takes at least 2.5 hoursAfter the weekend, I took a couple more days off and helped finish the Kaagjarve manor. After Malev's work, it was necessary to finish the parking lot and fill the exit with fine gravel. In general, it is no longer necessary). Advice:
1. Work in a summer camp and full-time work at a construction site are two different things. Be ready for 10-hour shifts
2. Rain, snow, thunderstorms? Pff. The object must be handed over
3. Naturally pay much more
4. The feeling of self-importance after seeing the final result is priceless
August takes the best of us. He removed the Soviet Union from all maps at 91. Takes away the summer every year. Now he took three volunteers who occupied an important place in my daily life and in my heart. No - they certainly did not die, and everything is fine, but their projects are completed, the Gestalts are closed, the Youth-passes are written, and relatives and friends are glad that they have returned home. Here are some final tips for you:
1. Xava. I will miss "ping pong" at our parties but remember: parties are not just "HIgher-Lower" card games. Sometimes you can play in just dance, you know)
2. Vici. I'm glad that from all of the volunteers you became my roommate. Also, I am glad that we have never been agring at each other about the cleaning. The only advice is that if you have two boards for meat and vegetables, add to them also a board for fish and bread. They can also transmit tastes and odors to other foods.
3. Mylen. You are still a mystery girl. Stay the same.
Guys, I will miss hanging out with you. Even I'm not saying "Farewell" still I'm not sure about will we met or not. Stay safe. Be strong.
The remaining free time from the rest was completely taken up by all sorts of reflections. There is only one piece of advice here: Descartes' square does not work if you are a phlegmatic procrastinator. To any question, the answer will be only one "but does it matter?". Therefore, if you, like me, are phlegmatic in your manifestations, use the rage scale (or the infuriate-non infuriate system) in three parameters.
1. The level of urgency. It works on the principle of "how much it burns": I want to know when my project ends in order to have time to buy tickets. The question is at level 7 which means I need to solve it here and now. Boom. done
2. "Who needs it?" Scale from -10 to +10: if it is positive then it is for you. if it burns negatively - to others. When choosing, rely on precisely those moments that can infuriate. Almost always the game is not worth the trouble and it is better not to go into a project in which only you will burn. The optimal level is between "-4" "+6" but never "0"
3. "Who rakes?" also + -10 Sometimes from your choice the rest will burn out. And sometimes even if you don't like it, you need to do it. The parameter is simple. If you do not like a person, then it will be rash to put him in the first place in front of you.
With this system, I thought about my possible actions during the project and after the project. What? The future will show
And we are considered in the next blog in a month
У вересні відчуваю себе як у пісні Бумбокс:
Ну, давай! Телефон мій! Дзвони! Дзвони! Дзвони!
Ну де всі вони, де всі вони є?
Ну давай! Не мовчи! Ну! Дзвони! Дзвони! Дзвони!
Особистий Вавілон