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Projekti "Muudame noortega töö nähtavaks" toetab SA Archimedese noorteagentuur Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse programmist.



I won't lie, at first the thought slipped through my mind that July was not particularly productive, but it was exactly until the moment when I sat down to remember all the events. Somehow there were a lot of them, so without extra words, we begin.



As I mentioned in the last blog, there were two more camps waiting for me, but for some circumstances it was only one - Specter. It was quite the active 3 day period, during which my task was to conduct games in which water should take place(it sounds strange, but it's true), however, everything went well, except for the weather - there were huge thunderstorms for 2 days, and as a result, the tents of some children were broken, everything got wet, and the equipment took a complete shower. But thanks God, everything is fine and ended well. Now shortly about why my Malev was canceled, two words - Night Fair, which you will learn more about)

photo 2021 08 11 22 04 24photo 2021 08 17 22 03 23





Long preparation and Night market

A little prehistory, while I was in Ukraine, I studied at college in one very interesting direction,  which, unfortunately, I didn't really like and as a result I ran away to Estonia(a joke, or maybe not). So, this specialty is the technology of light industry (sewing, modeling, etc.) And guess what, I was asked to help with the preparations for the Night Market, that's right - working with fabric and sewing garlands of flags. I could say that it was hard, but to some extent I am grateful to the college(for the first time in my life) and my mother, obviously, for the fact that it is not a problem for me to sew something. Therefore, in the photos you can see my and not only my works. Also, thanks to Xava, the three of us (me, Henrique and Xava) spent the night in the forest, in order to keep track of things that had already been placed. Also, big Thank you  to Rasmus, who told the “most beautiful " news that a man with schizophrenia lives nearby, who sleeps in the evening, and at night he has a period of activity, which I was extremely happy about(no). But you understand…

The Night Market itself was held on June 24, the atmosphere cannot be expressed in words, a lot of people(and after living in Hargla, I already forgot what it is), lights and decorations everywhere. I'll just leave the photos, and you can make your own conclusions about how everything went.


Ukrainian evening and farewell

Fast forward to 2 weeks before the event. Xava made me promise to cook together something from the dishes of Ukrainian cuisine, which we actually did. I decided that we would cook zrazy - that is, potato pies with mushrooms, meat or cabbage. The cooking process itself, as always, was extremely fun, cause Xaver at some point began to shout that the dough was sticky(Xava, remember, you need to use water and there will be happiness). That's what we actually got.

On the 26th, the German had to leave, because his volunteering was coming to an end and you know, I felt a little sad, because after living together for 4 months, you involuntarily wonder, well, who will now include Harry Styles for the whole apartment??

photo 2021 08 17 22 03 22

Return to work

Oh, of course, camps are camps, but it's time to return to work. Nothing special was happening, absolutely calm сome back. Stability and kids

 Quite an active July, don't you think?)


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