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Projekti "Muudame noortega töö nähtavaks" toetab SA Archimedese noorteagentuur Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse programmist.



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… and Summer in our life: Those were the major goals of May. Did we succeed? MAYbe.

Well, at least I got a sunburn, turned into a plant mum, didn’t get poisoned and played SIMS in my working hours… What?

Let’s start with the computer games… Actually, I didn’t play SIMS, I planned with it. A balcony. No, not the one in my apartment, but instead for my Youthcenter in Tsirguliina. Actually, this was also the Mini-Project of last year volunteer Ronja, but thanks to her sudden departure, the balcony stayed empty. So I had ideas of pallet furniture, watched a lot of videos about raised beds and discussed with Matvii how to make the Youthcenters (also Valga garden) more as a green living area. Our draft was also sent into the Valga Project competition to get financial support. I hope we receive all the money, so we can start working in June…

Besides the gardening, I got in touch with nature in the Youthcenter (still Valga btw) two more times: Firstly, a short period of summer weather motivated us to work in an “outdoor office”, ice cream cocktail and sunburn included. Secondly, Matvii and I had to cook “goods of nature” in the Youthcenter kitchen. No, our stove at home is still perfectly working, but our bodies might NOT have been… if we’d have been poisoned. Yep, we accidentally bought poisonous mushrooms at the farmer’s market. Whoops. Actually, they are edible, but only after three times of cooking with cold water. So Maarja gave us the instruction and kept an eye on us, while we prepared the food. And as you can see: We are still alive! Yeyy. Would I buy them again? No.

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Other things I spent money on were drinks and plants: We finally started to raise tomatoes, pepper, salad and herbs in our flat. I am curious if we will harvest something in the summer, nevertheless I already feel like a proud plant mom. And the other thing? Well, in May we had a few things to celebrate. Apart from the long-awaited outbreak of spring, we (the valga+ hargla volunteers) came together to have a “Oscar”- as well as “Eurovision”-Public viewing in our appartement. Most importantly, we also gathered for my birthday party. Yep, I am 19 now. Time flies… In the Youthcenter my colleagues also surprised me with cake and some lovely presents, so it was a really nice day 😊

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Concerning presents: The best one I already received at the beginning of May: My vaccine! I’ve been very impatiently waiting for this moment and finally I gained a little more freedom! And I could theoretically go back to Austria without quarantine now, but this is definitely not my plan right now haha – I have to do and see way more things before leaving!

-But I also have not been lazy in May: Besides the obligatory hiking trips (Panganamaa, Meenikunno) I also had a bit of cultural program on my list. Therefore, Xaver, Mylene and I went to the national museum in Tartu (wow, you could spend a whole day there) and we also did a road trip through Setomaa, where we ate in a traditional Seto-Restaurant in Obinitsa and saw a lot of cool nature (Piusa Caves, Härma, …).

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Furthermore, in May Rasmus invited us to a special reflection: We went fishing in Hargla. At the beginning, my motivation was quite low since I thought it would be super boring. But this mood changed: Even though we were not quite successful, I caught a few fish (sadly too small) and learned many new things. Seems like fishing is way more interesting than I expected lol. At the end of the day we were invited to Madli, where we had a barbeque and Sauna. Awesome day!

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By the way, Hargla was also the place where I played Paintball for the first time in my life. Additionally, we did some really cool teambuilding exercises and I got to know so many nice people! Hope to meet them again at the summer camps…By the way, this activity was organized by the defence league, as well as a trip to the “Proto”-Museum, which I joined. Being there was not only an awesome experience but also a huge success for me: After 7!!!! Month I have finally been in Tallinn!!!!! Can you believe that?? Sadly, it was just one day, but at least we could see a bit of the city. Well, I’ll definitely return! Maybe in June?  We will see…


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Ahh ich bekomm langsam die Krise: Die Zeit vergeht so schnell!! Jetzt wo der Sommer und die Impfung kommt, gibt es plötzlich immer mehr zu tun und zu erleben! Ich hoff, ich kann meine Zeit hier noch gescheit ausnutzen, carpe diem oderso… Die erste meiner Volunteer-Freunde verlässt Estland jetzt schon, das setzt mich ein bisschen unter Stress lol. Aber dazu noch was Witziges: Zu ihrem Abschied haben wir Käsespätzle (mit original Vorarlberger Bergkäse (danke Oma+Opa)) gemacht und dazu Kartoffelsalat. Die anderen (nicht-deutschsprachigen) „Mitesser“ waren alle von der Kombo aus Kartoffeln und Essig verwirrt. Die kennen einfach keinen Kartoffelsalat? LOL

Ok, wenn ihr mehr weirdes Zeug lesen wollt, hier mein privater Blog:

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