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Projekti "Muudame noortega töö nähtavaks" toetab SA Archimedese noorteagentuur Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse programmist.



Breaking news: I haven't even been bitten by a dog this month, only mosquitoes. It’s succes


 While everything is quiet in the kindergarten, the children enjoy life, sometimes cry(which is quite natural) and eat a lot)) My work at Gaia is heating up. This month was devoted to the study of other countries, and thanks to our joint work with other volunteers, the children got acquainted with my native Ukraine and its culture(especially dancing made an impression on the children), Germany and its fairy tales, Portugal and its color(here again there was a delight from dancing with sticks). Kaisa, Mirko, Mikk, Lukas and Partel learned to cook national dishes and you can see from the photos that the process brought them great pleasure, and of course it is also nice to eat cooked food.


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Also on one of the Fridays we had a spontaneous hiking in Lüllemäe and what can I hide, I was once again captivated by the views of nature in Estonia(so much so that I think I fell in love even more), but still a little confused by the expressions on the faces of the cows(they seem to condemn you for something). Our task was to check in at 12 points and write the password on the pieces of paper, which at the end you need to throw in a special box. Quite an interesting experience, except that 2 points were located in cemeteries. Just imagine, there is a girl(whose knowledge of Estonian is not so great) with two children in the cemetery, and now live with it😅

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May has become a month of travel for me🗺

 The first point is Paganamaa, where my first hiking trip with other volunteers took place, the climb to the observation tower and the extraordinary beauty of the lake.

Next, Henrique and I visited a girl from Mexico, Andrea, in Otepää and saw the Canterville amusement park. By the way, this day also happened to be my first spontaneous trip to Tartu at 12 a.m, but you know what I'll say? Even though I knew I had to go to work tomorrow, the cold wind and the fact that everything was closed, I felt happy that I could just take and enjoy this moment.

Häädemeeste. If earlier this name did not cause me anything, except for the question “What is it?” , then now I have the sea in front of my eyes. For the second time in a month, I felt 100 percent happy.

Well, at the end of May, I had the opportunity to visit Tartu for the second time and meet three volunteers from France, Spain and Germany, with whom we went rock climbing, and later watch the Eurovision Song Contest in Valga with the rest of the volunteers. P. S my favorite is Iceland

The moral of this blog is: Enjoy the little moments✨

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  Ніколи не знаю, що тут писати, тому скажу, що я кожного дня прокидаюся з думкою про те, що рішення щодо волонтерства у Естонії було правильним.

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