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Projekti "Muudame noortega töö nähtavaks" toetab SA Archimedese noorteagentuur Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse programmist.



WhatsApp_Image_2021-06-04_at_10.40.35_PM.jpegIt will be a somewhat official article to share what I learned based on the programs I attended. Those who are interested the green deal, climate change which is the new and emergency focal point of the European Union in sustainable economy; Erasmus+ programs,.. :)
May was a period in which I colored my volunteer profile in every sense, it was both tiring and enjoyable.

Creative Leaders For Peace🌈☘️: I got this program from the Salto site. It was a program aimed at gaining knowledge, raising awareness and being an active listener in our social environment on human rights, immigration, conflict transformation, peace leadership and peace. As a volunteer youth worker, it is a meaningful non-formal education for me to have a broader perspective on the conflicts I encounter among my colleagues, the issue of immigrants, which is always on the agenda of Turkey and the EU, and all these national/international issues. In fact, education gave me very good friendship. Erion is busy teaching me Albanian these days. He's having a lot of fun. Unë jam gjyshja e tij 😂😂🙃

Living in Tõrva for 7 months has brought a complete change to my life, I remember over and over again that I made a great choice. As a result of Katrin's support and Madis's meetings with Tõrva Municipality, I got my bike, which will be mine all summer, at the beginning of May. It has 2 baskets :D So a real baby!
Treasure Hunt In Ritsu: I organized a treasure hunt consisting of 10 different Chinese Mythology stories and 2 maps. My aim was to inform children about countries with different values ​​in a fun way. They looked like they were having fun, at times they had a hard time overcoming small obstacles but these kids are amazing.

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Let me write the date of 12.05.2021 here so that if I want to remember it later, it will be a note for me. On this date, we had the Pyzer vaccine with Dasha and Matvi. Let's see how this vaccine will affect in the future, we will see :D

Tribal Mask Class in Ritsu: With the support of Giia, we organized a tribal mask activity in the Ritsu Youth Room. I know what interests children. Colors, free work, running and having fun are enough for them. But their luck is that I love being a kid as much as they do :D If you want to make masks with kids by using plastics, check youtube now, there are some great ideas. These days, if you use waste materials even on a small scale, you contribute to green transformation and the environment :)
Meeting with Estonian Family-Clara from France: Here is the chatty and pleasant new volunteer friend Clara. We met with Estonian family together. I guess now you know my Estonian father and my family (Mairo isi :d). Clara made pancakes from French cuisine. On the other hand, I made lahmacun using the dough and stuffing that I prepared before. I made this recipe especially for Mairo, he is willing to try new tastes and knows his taste well ;)

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Military Day by Defense League Team: It was an enjoyable day that taught physical strength and defense at Sooru. The defense league supports female volunteers. Group members organize various activities for children. In Defense League events, they bring history awareness to children; They provide short, educational and enjoyable trainings on how to make a fire, set up tents, and survive in nature when faced with a difficult situation. Within this event, we divided into 2 groups and fought laser warfare. We have experienced shooting, shooting arrows, shooting with a slingshot-like device; We took a tour around the area by mountain vehicle.. We drank delicious Estonian soup, pasta with minced meat and salad were also delicious..
In general, it was a program organized with educational content and very enjoyable methods. I respect the strong stance of these women.. <3

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@Bruxircle Program: This program changed my perspective. It is the most meaningful program that I can recommend to my Turkish readers. Bruxircle team created a Brussels world information, experience and network sharing platform for young people and made a presentation on a wide area covering global issues such as EU Structure, lobbying, transatlantic relations, NATO, Social entrepreneurship, etc. for 8 days. Our guest speakers are highly educated and competent people, from a retired ambassador to a Liberal-Democratic party member of the European Parliament. We discussed the green agreement signed by the European Union in December 2019, it was an effective training process on how to complete the green transformation in different sectors.

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Discovery Factory: We also participated in the Discovery factory tour organized by the Defense League. My favorite game was the one where I pedaled a bicycle while wearing 3d glasses. The world shown through the glasses was like a dream, I traveled through the clouds, flying balloons and interesting buildings :D
Beach Cafe Interviews with Youngsters: I am happy that summer is approaching, but on the one hand, I had such an intense process that it is still intense… Again, I will talk about a plan supported by Tõrva Municipality. In the heart of Vanamoisa, we will work with the young people in the seaside cafe for 2 months. Since we received around 30 applications for this, we had to choose 10 young people by interview. What took 3 days were the days when I was exposed to an intense Estonian. Of course, having the opportunity to speak English with young people and working together in the summer are valuable opportunities.

I have become very Estonian, and I am very happy with this situation. Because the daily life of society, feelings, joke structure etc. I can easily understand many society-specific features, and it becomes easier for me to communicate with people of all ages :D 
Museum-Casstle Trip with Ritsu: When you enter Rakvere Castle, you find yourself in a theme park that represents the daily life of the 16th century. There, you can dress up as knights and warriors by making use of the costumes. It is also possible to learn a few details about the life of people in the Middle Ages and early modern period.
Additionally, it contains a wine cellar, a torture chamber, a death chamber and a hell, a Red Lanterns Street, a medieval brothel, a barber shop, and an alchemist workshop. Oh, and there are sheep too 😂😂

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Sirje's Birthday: Happy birthday Sirje! Always be energetic, always protect your young spirit. Most of my good memories in Tõrva are the time I spent with my Estonian family. Regina, Taavi, Mairo isi, Sirje,... With a little alcohol, it's enough to hear a tiny bit of music. Then no one can stop us.
European Union Simulation: This training is the program offered by the European Union to inform Turkish Youth about these new sustainable economic policies by cooperating with the EU Information Centers in Turkey within the scope of the Green Deal and climate change. Today we completed the second day. As a liberal-democratic parliamentarian, to strengthen democracy and human rights; For our citizens, we present the holistic structure of the EU, its saying "we" instead of me, in short, the mission and vision of unity is strength. We support being a part of this union and proposing sustainable solutions to global problems with the support of its tools and possibilities.

Burada geçirdiğim sürede farkettiğim bir diğer nokta,  Avrupa Birliği tarafından kapsanmış bir ülkenin sosyal tabanı ile kapsanmamış bir ülke arasında, gençlerin hobi alternatiflerine kadar etki ettiğidir. Özellikle AB’nin 2019 Aralıkta başlattığı yeşil anlaşmanın gidişatını yakından takip etmenizi öneririm. İklim Değişimine ve çevre sorunlarına belki büyük ölçüde biz neden olmadık ama geleceğimizi en az zararla kurtarmak ve bu uzun soluklu barış ve ekonomi birliğinin parçası olmak için en aktif şekilde çalışabiliriz. “Bruxircle” sayfasını takip etmenizi şiddetle tavsiye ediyorum. Ayrıca illerinizde olan Avrupa birliği Bilgi Merkezlerine giderek Ulusal düzeyde yeşil dönüşüm, çevre alanında halkı/çocukları bilinçlendirme etkinliklerine katılım sağlayabilirsiniz. Sağlıkla kalın!



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