Actually, this separation made me feel more than a month.. I miss the times when I spent time with my dear Estonian family, hiking in the magnificent Harmaa Karjaar forest, lying in the sun for hours in the Riiska lake.. Tõrva has such an energy that my friend who even came to visit from the island of Muhu was surprised :)
Sangaste Camp: Tankla organization organized a 3-day camp targeting youth and children. We were there as volunteers of the same organization. Youth took part in variety workshops. I took part in the crafting workshop. Actually, it was not a mission, it was a big pleasure for me. We were having fun with the same children at the Defense League events during the winter. We played games and talked a lot :D I am surprised that some of them speak English quite well.
10.-12. augustini toimub Metsniku harjutusväljakul Valgamaa noorkotkaste ja kodutütarde militaarlaager.
Militaarlaagris pakutakse noortele palju praktilist tegevust kogenud instruktorite juhendamisel, võimalust viibida vabas looduses, leida uusi sõpru, ööbida telkides ja õppida kasulikke teadmisi toimetulekuks metsas ning praktiseerida õpitut. Laagris saadavad teadmised põhinevad Kaitseliidu ja Naiskodukaitse väljaõppeteemadel, näiteks orienteerumine, laagrirutiin, erinevad liikumisviisid, toiduvalmisviisid, esmaabi, lasketreening.
We are in the months where time passes so fast and I don't want to get tired in the name of volunteering anymore...
Mid-term Meeting: Finally, we had face-to-face mid-term training. I think we were 12 volunteers in total, we had a great 2.5 days with our super fun trainers. In fact, it was great that education and simple volunteer training were not centralized. We just relaxed and had fun. We did a 12 km canoe trip that I don't even want to remember. Crazy,..
June is a month of comfort and new experience. The longer I stay in Estonia, the more I become attached to this country and people.
Trip to Pärnu
To begin with, Pärnu was on my list a must see, since I am a sea lover, and of water in general. So when other volunteers offered me to go, I immediately said yes. Of course, then the original plan changed a bit and we went there not just to visit the city, but also with the intention of staying overnight, in tents, on the seashore, as they say, life is unpredictable.
Valgamaa noored rändasid juuni algul mööda maakonda ning püüdsid videosse erinevaid tegevusi, millest võiks kohalik rahvas kui ka kaugemalt tulijad osa saada.
Mida külastati ja kuidas filmimine möödus, loe juunikuisest postitusest, mille kirjutas üks projektis osalevatest noortest: Rändasime mööda maakonda ja püüdsime videosse suviseid tegevusvõimalusi. Tegevusvõimaluste tutvustamisel on fookusesse võetud projektis osalevate noorte kodupiirkond.