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Projekti "Muudame noortega töö nähtavaks" toetab SA Archimedese noorteagentuur Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse programmist.



Very interesting, but nothing is clear - description of my first month in Estonia
Tere! Dasha, an 18-year-old volunteer from Ukraine, is in touch)

 Let's start with the fact that during the process of preparing myself and documents for this volunteering, there were a lot of troubles, and therefore, having arrived in Estonia for the first weeks, I couldn’t believe that I am finally here.

Like Xaver, I’ve spent my quarantine (this was also difficult challenge for me), which, by the way, lasted too long (*you know the story about our Portuguese neighbor, and if not, I advise you to read Xaver's last blog).

First working week. At the beginning, I was struck by a little panic, because working with children every day was a little different from one-time events and projects. But I had only one problem - language and mainly in work with children from  the kindergarten. Oh, these awkward situations, when a child comes up to you, looks into your eyes and says something in Estonian, and you are like “Um, what?” and try to explain that you don’t understand, but it’s difficult, because he or she doesn’t understand you either. I also got to know the chef Anna, who came here from Ukraine, so when she spoke to me in Ukrainian, my heart skipped a beat

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With Gaia, everything went a little easier for me. I’ve heard a lot about children, because my wonderful tutor Yandra talked a lot about them + getting to know one of the community residents Andres also gave me some information, so I already went to the lesson with a certain amount of knowledge and understanding of how to work with them. Another very important thing, after visiting several events and talking with the locals, I realized that I was excited to get to know the local community.

Regarding my leisure time, during the first week after arriving in Hargla, together with Vici, Matvey and Milen we went to Põlstamаa, a city where food for astronauts was produced. The weather was, of course, rubbish, but the atmosphere was totally worth it. As a bonus Vici has cooked a wonderful cake for us.

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But I would not be myself, if everything happens without incident. The next week after the trip I was bitten by a dog (spoiler by the time of April 27, I was bitten by a dog again, a new record: 2 bites per month). The moment flew by very quickly. Bite, hospital, stitches. And all because of the potatoes, by the way.

But despite such moments, my fighting spirit has only intensified and I am moving on inspired.

 Можу додати лише, що життя бентежне, а естонські собаки мене не люблять. Далі буде..

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