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Projekti "Muudame noortega töö nähtavaks" toetab SA Archimedese noorteagentuur Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse programmist.



 WhatsApp_Image_2021-05-05_at_8.11.46_AM_9.jpegI have not been going to the Tõrva Youth Center for 2 months. I do not include our compulsory weekly meetings with my Tutor. Doors opened as of yesterday Lol ...

Mid-term Meeting: There are basic training we need to take during the volunteering period. The second of these is Mid-term. In this training, you actually gain awareness on "volunteering", "the sociological base of your country" and "communication with different age groups". Sometimes the activities we want to do with children and young people do not match their expectations from us. What I understand is that it is not always possible to be an efficient, cool and funny volunteer.

Tehtud seinavärv Ritsus (Done wall paint in Ritsu): The painting, which I started at Giia's request, took its final form. You are lucky if you have coworkers who love colors, are fun and open to different ideas 💚 During the drawing, Giia did not interfere with me at all. We chose the drawing and the wall together and she chose to trust me. I tried to make the best picture by taking care of it completely. Let me take the moment from me to the Ritsu Youth room.

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Elva matkareis (Elva Trip): Elva is a town located in the Estonian province of Tartu. The population of the town is close to 6,000. We organized a trip here with volunteer friends. It surprised me at first sight. Because it had the impression of a small coastal town. Beach by a large lake, sun loungers, tables, .. In summer, cool photos are taken here. We took approximately 36 thousand steps throughout the day. My toes hurt at the end of the day. But the houses located by the river along the walkway, the lake views and the dreams of living there in the summer were beautiful.

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Palju õnne sünnipäevaks Kaisa (Happy Birthday Kaisa): My sweet, friendly town, Ritsu. Playful, cheerful children of Ritsu .. 💚 I attended the birthday of my friend Kert's daughter. We had a pleasant time together with all the children. If you meet with children outside of your "volunteer work", great! Because then you become part of this local community. You learn more consciously the expressions used during the day, the daily life of the society and their social lives.

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23. aprill Riiklik suveräänsus ja lastepäeva (23 April National Sovereignty and Children's Day): 🇹🇷 April 23 is a national sovereignty and children's day! April 23 is the national holiday Mustafa Kemal Atatürk gave to all children in the world. The aim of the day was to make children orphans orphans due to the First World War, too. Today, the most interesting thing about this day is that the kids go to different state bodies for a day, where they talk about what they want to do for the state, both with the city government and with the president.

❓I prepared a short promotional video about today. My aim is to equip the local people with “all age groups” skills and knowledge on certain topics using my skills. It is in our hands to diversify the purpose of volunteering ..

Rouge Reis (Rouge Trip): It was a walk I enjoyed to the fullest under all kinds of weather conditions. We saw the sun from time to time with our volunteer friends, and from time to time we froze in the stormy rain 🌬🌨💦 I leave a few pictures below, it must be on your route in sunny weather.

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Kalastamine Tündres (Fishing in Tündre)🦯: Could I catch any fsh? Not yet, but one day I will!! :D

According to the limnological * type, the water body is eutrophic ** or a highly nutritious lake with a high water content. Vegetation is average in number of species: there are 18 types of macrophytes ***.

❓ * Limnology deals with the physical and chemical properties, ecology, interaction with the environment, and water and energy flows in natural and artificial lakes and ponds.

❓ ** They are rapidly aging lakes. Usually they are very effective. These are in the form of "old and flat lakes". These lakes, which are rich in nutrient salts, are very productive.

❓ *** Higher aquatic plants that live partially or wholly in water, free floating in water, large enough to be visible to the naked eye.

❓ Sea bream, perch, pikeperch, pike, roach and others are the fish species found in this lake. 💚 The lake is protected as part of the Tündre nature reserve. The lake belongs to the West Estonian river basin region and the Pärnu sub-basin. The lake is a public body of water. 🔆RMK Tündre Suurekivi campfire area is located on the lake shore.

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Soontaga Matkarada (Soontaga Hiking Trail): We organized a walk to Soontaga again with my friend. I definitely recommend you to go 📣 Even though I have been there before, it has a lively view as the weather gets better. By the way, according to Kaisa, "If we see a yellow or red butterfly, our summer will be very nice ...🌸🌸" We have seen 4-5 times, maybe more. I'm already looking forward to the summer season which I'm going to spend here🧐😇

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Geçen ay, genel anlamda bilgisayar üzerinden çalıştım. 3 temel proje fikrim var. Umarım en az 2 tanesinin kesin halini mayıs sonundaki blog yazımda paylaşabilirim. Siz neler yapıyorsunuz? Covid her ne kadar bazı zorlukları getirse de, unutmayalım sadece kendimiz değil; dünya bu durumda. Benim covid döneminde en işime yarar şey bana bolca zaman vermesi oldu. Farklı bir fikir edinseniz veya farklı bir becerinizi bir kere kullandığınızda bile bu bir avantaj..Sağlıcakla kalın...

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