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129f43ddc68a7d5dd08ea93d5563f7f7.02.jpg Let's have a brief look at what I have done as I approach the 3rd month of
my volunteering adventure in Estonia. If you want to volunteer in Estonia, this
time under certain headings to i will try to give inspire you.I will write about how I continue to have fun despitethe day-to-day cold weather.

Lihtsad Näoilmed Koomiksi Stiilis (Simple Face Expressions in Cartooon Style): 
For me, volunteering means sharing something or a skill that I can do with people from different cultures and values and learning while teaching.
Tõrva Youth Center offers me an opportunity to use my skills and talents for children. One of them is that I can record my drawings, photos, and memories with children with a camera. I posted a video where I draw simple caricature facial expressions for kids to inspire. While editing the video, I had to learn a new program. Because the file of the videos was too big to edit on the phone. If you want to use it or need it, I recommend the "shotcut" program. You can easily learn the features that will be useful for you in just 2 days.

Kultuuriline jagamine Tarhana Suppi + Sauna (Cultural Sharing Tarhana Soup + Sauna):
If you want to spend a quality and enjoyable weekend in Estonia, you usually need to plan in the middle of the week. Besides my volunteering goals, one of my personal goals are learning and experiencing Estonian culture. I am lucky to be able to do this. We came together with the Estonian family. I made them tarhana soup from Turkish culture.
We entered the sauna after dinner. I could not experience before in Turkey. I can say this Saturday is a classic in Estonia. If you happen to be here, you should definitely experience it, I suggest you to establish intimacy with an Estonian family. You can not have always an opportunity to introduce your own culture, to experience the lifestyle and food style of different cultures. That s way, try to create your opportunity.

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After almost a month of vacation, the youth center was reopened. Some activities were delayed due to the corona, but gradually returned to normal.
We talked about the details with my tutor about the cartoon class. In the animation class, I worked on the arrangement of the "corona" animation, which we completed drawing and shooting.

Must leib ja Türgi leib on Bazlama (Black Bread and Turkish bread is bazlama):
You must now understand that when I am not in the youth center I usually spend time with the eston family. They made black bread for us. Bread making process is a bit long and it was complicated frankly. For example, once you put it in the oven, you have to take the bread out after a certain period of time, wait outside and put it in the oven again. We made "bazlama" bread from Turkish culture with Turkish volunteer Dilara like me. Practical, round and pan-fried a delicious bread. If you want to do it, I would be happy to share the recipe. You can reach me from " or Aysegulaksakal_" instagram accounts.

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India toit ja Türgi leib iındian food and Turkish bread):
Rahul made us his own cultural "Kadhai Paneer" dinner. Most of the ingredients used in the food are the same as the ingredients we use. What is interesting is the spices he uses. Their countries are so rich in spices that they put maybe 10 different spices into the dish, I really don't know the number. :D The spices that are put into the food that make it different and cultural. He put cheese in the dish instead of meat. We also made bread with Dilara. It was an enjoyable and cultural dinner. Of course, we should have exercised after eating that much. For this, we made Indian dance instead of sport.

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Ritsu Noortetuba (Ritsu Youth Room):
This week, we were in the Ritsu youth room with my co-work Katrin on Tuesday. You can spend time in another youth center once a week from other opportunities provided by this organization. Frankly, this has been useful for me. I have the opportunity to meet different children. I can explore different and creative aspects of communicating with children. The children in Ritsu are more friendly, they were lively and eager to do something. For example, although they saw me for the first time, they tried to communicate. I specifically mention this because in Torva town for 2 weeks
I had an extreme alienation. It's because I'm a stranger, my appearance is different from that of an ordinary estonian, or Tõrva is a small place (bigger than Ritsu and its population is average 2,200 I thought it was due to the fact that it was not very small). I don't think it is relevant anymore. Ritsu is a smaller place, Ritsu youth room has fewer play options. But children play longer and more steadily. Perhaps we can say that the sociable and inquisitive nature of the children also changes according to their family structures. So I mean, if you feel unfamiliar at the beginning of the volunteering process, know that it's not about you. The influence of the children, the environment and the place where you are located is great.
Still, feel free to try and contact. Because this is your volunteering work. We will go to Ritsu again next week. Before, I will find creative work we can do for children. Being really enthusiastic increases my motivation.

We left behind the second week of the cartoon class in Tõrva youth center. It's good to see them working in different directions from day to day. For instance today that a boy i've observed for a long time, he tried to speak english with me during the all day.

Bu ayki blogda bunu açıklamam gerektiğini düşündüm. :) Arkadaşlar bu son kısmı Türk okurlar için Türkçe yazıyorum, yani ana dilimde. Diğer gönüllü arkadaşlar da kendi ana dilleri ile yerli okurlarına yazıyorlar. Estonya'da sevgililer günü arkadaşlık günü olarak kutlanıyor. Bakalım neler yapacağız, çok merak ediyorum. Madem bu paragraf bize özel, özlediğim en baskın şey "kültür". Burada mumla arıyorum dersem abartmış olur muyum :D Haha, biz önümüze bakalım, birsürü ilk deneyimlerin yanısıra daha yüzlerce kişisel ve gönüllülük hedefleri var. Gerçekleştirdikçe sizlerle paylaşmaya devam edeceğim. Varsa planınızda sizde gönüllülük yaparsanız paylaşımlarım umarım ilham olur. Daha keyifli ve verimli zamanlarınız olur. Sağlıcakla! 

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