October went by in a rush and yet it feels like a long time
Hi there! My name is Flora and I will spend my next 10 months (because one month is now already over) volunteering in Hargla. I basically just turned 18 before coming here from Germany, so in the final days before my flight I started to worry: was I actually prepared to live abroad for a year, learn a new language, live on my own and experience a new culture?
October ended with winter. If only very briefly.
Snow made a brief appearance, and then true to form, it melted away with the rain that followed immediately after. Weather is a harsh mistress. Still, even as I write these very lines, the rain beats down on the landscape, uncovering who knows what.
On arrival training.Exactly this training is probably one of the coolest events that takes place in the first months of a volunteer's life abroad.
And although it has been three months since I arrived to Estonia, I can say that arrival training has probably become one of the highlights of my volunteer life. Spanish adventures are still in the first place and I very much doubt that another event, no matter how interesting and bright it might be, will change the top-ranking of the Spanish adventures that I had in September. But it's not about September ...
30. oktoobril toimus Kaagjärve mõisas Valgamaa koolide õpilasesinduste meeskonnatöö koolitus, mida korraldas Valgamaa noorsootöökeskus Tankla.
Kohal olid Valga Gümnaasium, Valga Põhikool, Valgamaa Kutseõppekeskus, Hargla Kool, Keeni Põhikool ja Pühajärve Põhikool.
Koolituspäeva jooksul räägiti meeskonna ja meeskonnatöö olemusest ning meeskonna arenguetappidest. Muuhulgas pandi meeskonnatöö proovile ka praktilisi tegevusi läbi tehes.
September came and the summer is already over.
It’s time for yellow and orange colors, apples, warm clothes, even more rainy days than usual, and school children carrying backpacks almost as big as them, as they go to school in the morning like hard job workers do... Autumn has come to Valga.