It will be a somewhat official article to share what I learned based on the programs I attended. Those who are interested the green deal, climate change which is the new and emergency focal point of the European Union in sustainable economy; Erasmus+ programs,.. :)
May was a period in which I colored my volunteer profile in every sense, it was both tiring and enjoyable.
Creative Leaders For Peace🌈☘️: I got this program from the Salto site. It was a program aimed at gaining knowledge, raising awareness and being an active listener in our social environment on human rights, immigration, conflict transformation, peace leadership and peace. As a volunteer youth worker, it is a meaningful non-formal education for me to have a broader perspective on the conflicts I encounter among my colleagues, the issue of immigrants, which is always on the agenda of Turkey and the EU, and all these national/international issues. In fact, education gave me very good friendship. Erion is busy teaching me Albanian these days. He's having a lot of fun. Unë jam gjyshja e tij 😂😂🙃
13.-16. juulini toimub Kaldavere turismitalus 7.-18aastastele Vaglamaa noortele suunatud laager Spekter.
Laagris pakutakse noortele palju praktilist tegevust kogenud instruktorite juhendamisel, võimalust viibida looduses, leida uusi sõpru, ööbida telkides ja õppida kasulikke teadmisi toimetulekuks metsas ning praktiseerida õpitut.
Tankla õpilasmalev (TÕM) 2021 toimub 18.-30. juulini. Malevas saavad osaleda Valgamaa noored vanuses 14-19 aastat.
Malevlaste maksimaalne tööpäeva pikkus on 6 tundi ja selle eest makstakse ka reaalset palka. Töötasuna garanteeritakse miinimumtöötasu tunnihinnaga 3,48 eurot (bruto). Toitlustus (neli söögikorda) ja mugav magamiskoht organiseeritakse korraldajate poolt.