Täna, 1. aprillil loodi Valgamaal valimisliit Tankla, kuhu on koondunud Valgamaa noorsoo-, sotsiaal- ja kultuuritöötajaid.
„Valimisliitu ajendas looma valdade poliitiline olukord. Maakonna kolmest vallast kahes on olnud poliitiline olukord korduvalt ebastabiilne ning kuna kantakse edasi ka aegunud valitsemise kultuuri, pidime noorte tulevikku silmas pidades omaltpoolt midagi ette võtma,“ sõnas Tankla juhatuse liige Marek Mekk. „Eriti suurt edu loodame saavutada Valga vallas,“ lisas ta.
It is already two weeks ago since I left South Estonia, very fast and surpricingly.
On a cosy and usual Monday morning in my flat in Valga I recognised that it is probably the best decision if I leave and go back to Austria, my home country.
Mõnda aega tagasi lisandus Valgamaa noorsootöösse uusi noorsootöötajaid. Uue juhi sai endale Tõrva avatud noortekeskus, kus veab tegevust nüüdsest eest Madis Mumm. Lisaks temale alustas Tõrva noortekeskuses tööd noorsootöötaja Margit Kolju ja Riidaja noortetoas noorsootöötaja Age Leesment.
Olles end tööalaselt juba sisse seadnud, uurisime värsketelt töötajatelt, millised on nende ametialased eesmärgid.
Already more or less 1.5/2 years ago I said “goodbye” to an amazing year and to my second home-country Estonia. I was leaving Estonia with a heart full of joy and memories, with new friends and experiences I won’t forget! <3
At home my family and friends welcomed me with a lot of hugs, kisses and good food. Even though it felt weird being surrounded by all of them again, I was (am) very happy seeing everyone again and talking about all my small and big adventures at least 300 times.
I can’t quite believe it but half of my time in Estonia is already over.
In the beginning of our service we had to write a to-do list with 100 things on it. And despite the fact that I put some very easily achievable things, I still am far from reaching half of my goals. What does that mean? I will have a very busy and adventurous second half of my time here. I already have so much planned for the next months, I can’t wait for the sun to start shining again and with that my energy levels rising too . But too much talk about the future doesn’t help, so let’s talk about my last month. It has by far been the busiest month so far!