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Projekti „Vabatahtlikud Valgamaa noorsootöös“ toetab SA Archimedese noorteagentuur Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse programmist.



September came and the summer is already over.

It’s time for yellow and orange colors, apples, warm clothes, even more rainy days than usual, and school children carrying backpacks almost as big as them, as they go to school in the morning  like hard job workers do... Autumn has come to Valga. 

The first week was still warm but the breath of autumn was already felt in the air.

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My volunteering keeps going, and apart from a rap concert event under a very heavy downpour where I took part as “People's Photographer”, and a good Saturday when I had a nice beer with Estonian and Finnish guys and watched a cool movie together, the first two autumn weeks didn’t stand out. But I decided that once the summer was over here, then I should go to a country where it’d still linger. 

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The spirit of the adventure that I had planned for mid-September, I could already feel it in the air. I was excited about it and waiting for it... Two weeks of Spanish hot weather and warm emotions from people: amazing Barcelona, ​​a broken bike in Madrid mountains, being hosted by the incredibly warm family of my friend from Madrid, picking my way through an army of tourists in Toledo, my first three thousand meters, at Pyrenees, the expensive and disappointingly dirty Brussels, a sleepover at the airport...

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About  the event… I have already forgotten the name of that event, but it took place on the first week of September. It was an interesting and busy evening, with the whole town gathering around in Valga and relishing the latest summer warmth, the music of local bands, and local food. People were enjoying, and my mission was to help carrying and setting the music equipment and later on taking photos of families and folks who attended the event, printing the photos for them afterwards. People clearly liked it, and... who wouldn’t like to have good quality printed photos for free? And even a very heavy rain did not ruin our mood during the event, but, on the contrary, added perhaps even more bright and colorful memories.

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In addition to volunteering event, we also decided to create our own small cozy event to enjoy and rest a bit in a nice group of people watching good movies. So Vallo, Willie and  I have started a new initiative: to get together for the weekend and watch a movie with beer. The first night of our movie club went pretty well...20190924 162808

Somehow this is how nearly two weeks of September flew by and my trip to Spain was closer and closer…

I spent almost three weeks in Spain, the rest of September. This country met me with warm weather, cheerful people, amazing city architecture and stunning mountains. A lot of memories from Spain I will probably keep in my heart for my whole life. So yeah, it’s definitely worth to visit at least once this amazing country.20190928 094948

In addition to Spain I’ve also visited Riga, a city that I really cherish  and Brussels, a city that gave me mixed feelings-I can’t say that i liked it there, but still more yes than no-. So yeah, that’s how I spent my free days which I earned in summer camps... 

Now back to work and new adventures…

Вересень був доволі скучним місяцем в моєму волонтерському житті, лише один але якісний івент, де я був в якості фотографа усіх охочих на концерті в нашому маленькому містечку. А другу половину місяця я провів в Іспанії. Це була вражаюча подорож, море, високі і небезпечні Іспанські Піренеї, вражаюча архітектура Барселони і цікаві не менш вражаючі музеї Мадриду, ну і звичайно добродушність і щедрість Іспанців, яку  я точно не забуду. Ця подорож залишиться в мому серці теплими спогадами. По завершенню після справжнього жаркого літа, встиг ще злітати в дощовий, брудний і дорогий Брюссель але і там було що робити, і зрештою перші враження стерлись більш чарівними і теплими на прикінці перебування в місті. А після прибув в Естонію і вже починаю планувати нові подорожі:)

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