9. aprillil kell 12.00-14.30 leiab kaheksandat korda aset Valgamaa haridusmess "Vali nutikalt". Mess toimub tänavu virtuaalselt.
Messil osalevad gümnaasiumid, kutse- ja kõrgkoolid. Kokku tutvustatakse 20 õppeasutust. Messil esineb haridusminister sõnavõtuga, noored jagavad oma kogemuslugusid ning räägime ka karjääri valikust.
20. märtsist 11. aprillini kutsuvad Noorte Kotkaste Valgamaa malev ja Kodutütarde Valgamaa ringkond kõiki huvilisi aktiivsele GPS kunstiloomingule.
Ettevõtmisega kutsutakse kõiki üles sportlikult liikuma, oma loomingulisi liikumisi planeerima ning tegema neist noorkotkaste ja kodutütarde tegemisi tutvustavaid GPS kunstimaalinguid.
… and grill yourself in a sauna, that’s what I did this month. Even though pandemic circumstances I had the chance to participate in several events related to Estonian holidays and to get to know more of the traditions 😊 (Spoiler alert: I consumed a lot of vastlakukkel 😂) Also I organized a little public event on my own (with Matviy): A treasure hunt. Well let’s say, next time we’ll do it better 😅. The execution process made me even cry. Why?
To make it clear, the planning drove me a bit mental, but the three tears I lost on the preparation were rather caused by the physical pain of loosing a glove while hiding treasures in the middle of the night, running somewhere in the nowhere through a dark park. Oh, and not unimportant to notice: Of course, it had a lot of snow and -17 degrees 🙄. Not optimal for my fingers lol. Well, as you can see, I didn’t freeze them off, but all in all I really hope that it was more fun for the participants solving our weird riddles than for us preparing the stuff haha. But for the next time I don’t have to worry: The temperatures will be higher, for sure😅