A lot … but really a lot of things happened in May … so much, I don’t even know where to start. Probably on what I mostly focused and also was really excited about was the trip to Russia. Starting with applying for the visa in Tallinn, then waiting and waiting – after a bit less than a month getting the visa. During that waiting time we booked busses, checked what we can and want see in St. Petersburg and Moscow and then after all this the real adventure began.
But let’s start with the beginning, as not with Russia, but with another travel my May began.
I travelled to Vilnius! So finally I can say, that I have been to all three Baltic states :D
It was one of the things in my “to do” list. It was there since the beginning. Because it sounded bohem, cool and an encounter with the nature. And when it finally happens, it is not. It is frightening, dark and full of weird noises which reminded you to huge bears and wolves that want to tear your throat apart. Now I am laughing about the situation, actually, I was already laughing about it when a kind and helpful woman took me home after I knocked on her door when it was already night. The important thing is that is a funny anecdote and nothing bad happened.
Get lost in the forest is something that I can cross out from my “to do” list now.
April passed very fast, as a lot of things happened. Next to travels within Estonia and outside of it there were also events in the youth center. Also my last handicraft-club took place and I went to a dance-evening in Hargla with other volunteers, what was very funny. :D
But April began with a travel near to the Russian boarder – to the city called Narva.
Alates 7. maist on võimalik registreerida ennast suvel toimuvasse Tankla Õpilasmalevasse.
Õpilasmaleva rühmad alustavad tööd 25. juunil ning lõpetavad 7. juulil 2018.
Tankla Õpilasmalevas on võimalik valida kümne erineva malevarühma vahel, kes saavad tööd 14 erineva tööpakkuja juures.
20. - 21. aprill toimus Lutsu Turismitalus Valgamaa Kodutütarde ja Noorte Kotkaste Hundi rühmalaager.
Hundi rühmalaagris osales koos juhendajatega 34 noort. Kogunemine toimus Valga Maleva staabis, kus osalejad pakkisid varustuse DAFile ja alustasid sõitu laagriplatsile. Kohale jõudes viisid laagrilised kogu varustuse majja, juhid tutvustasid ennast laagrilistele ning seejäral jaotati osalejad noored kolme gruppi.
Iga noortegrupp sai endale 2 juhendajat, kes õpetasid neile sõlmi tegema ja kaarti lugema. Peale esimest õppeosa proovisid noored iseseisvalt orienteeruda.