Breaking news: I haven't even been bitten by a dog this month, only mosquitoes. It’s succes
While everything is quiet in the kindergarten, the children enjoy life, sometimes cry(which is quite natural) and eat a lot)) My work at Gaia is heating up. This month was devoted to the study of other countries, and thanks to our joint work with other volunteers, the children got acquainted with my native Ukraine and its culture(especially dancing made an impression on the children), Germany and its fairy tales, Portugal and its color(here again there was a delight from dancing with sticks). Kaisa, Mirko, Mikk, Lukas and Partel learned to cook national dishes and you can see from the photos that the process brought them great pleasure, and of course it is also nice to eat cooked food.
Muuda suvi meeldejäävaks ja ägedaks! Osale 28.-30. juunini Otepää vallas Sokka puhkekeskuses toimuvas Valgamaa noorte suvekoolis.
2021. aasta Valgamaa noorte suvekool kannab teemat "FinEst Media suvekool 202,1". Tänavune suvekool on seotud rahvusvahelise meediaprojektiga "FinEst Media", mida viiakse ellu koostöös soomlastega. Ka suvekoolis osalevad soomlased, kuid nendega kohtume peamiselt live-ülekannetes.
Valgamaa noorte suvekool toimub 12. korda ning on suunatud 13-20aastastele Valgamaa noortele. Kahe päeva jooksul läbitakse erinevaid töötube, adrenaliin köetakse üles võistlusmängudes ja turniirides ning meelt lahutatakse õhtustes omaloominguprogrammides. Avatud on ka Tankla pood, kus saab juua, jäätist ning tuntud retroburksi.
… and Summer in our life: Those were the major goals of May. Did we succeed? MAYbe.
Well, at least I got a sunburn, turned into a plant mum, didn’t get poisoned and played SIMS in my working hours… What?
Let’s start with the computer games… Actually, I didn’t play SIMS, I planned with it. A balcony. No, not the one in my apartment, but instead for my Youthcenter in Tsirguliina. Actually, this was also the Mini-Project of last year volunteer Ronja, but thanks to her sudden departure, the balcony stayed empty. So I had ideas of pallet furniture, watched a lot of videos about raised beds and discussed with Matvii how to make the Youthcenters (also Valga garden) more as a green living area. Our draft was also sent into the Valga Project competition to get financial support. I hope we receive all the money, so we can start working in June…
It will be a somewhat official article to share what I learned based on the programs I attended. Those who are interested the green deal, climate change which is the new and emergency focal point of the European Union in sustainable economy; Erasmus+ programs,.. :)
May was a period in which I colored my volunteer profile in every sense, it was both tiring and enjoyable.
Creative Leaders For Peace🌈☘️: I got this program from the Salto site. It was a program aimed at gaining knowledge, raising awareness and being an active listener in our social environment on human rights, immigration, conflict transformation, peace leadership and peace. As a volunteer youth worker, it is a meaningful non-formal education for me to have a broader perspective on the conflicts I encounter among my colleagues, the issue of immigrants, which is always on the agenda of Turkey and the EU, and all these national/international issues. In fact, education gave me very good friendship. Erion is busy teaching me Albanian these days. He's having a lot of fun. Unë jam gjyshja e tij 😂😂🙃