Very interesting, but nothing is clear - description of my first month in Estonia
Tere! Dasha, an 18-year-old volunteer from Ukraine, is in touch)
Let's start with the fact that during the process of preparing myself and documents for this volunteering, there were a lot of troubles, and therefore, having arrived in Estonia for the first weeks, I couldn’t believe that I am finally here.
Like Xaver, I’ve spent my quarantine (this was also difficult challenge for me), which, by the way, lasted too long (*you know the story about our Portuguese neighbor, and if not, I advise you to read Xaver's last blog).
I have not been going to the Tõrva Youth Center for 2 months. I do not include our compulsory weekly meetings with my Tutor. Doors opened as of yesterday Lol ...
Mid-term Meeting: There are basic training we need to take during the volunteering period. The second of these is Mid-term. In this training, you actually gain awareness on "volunteering", "the sociological base of your country" and "communication with different age groups". Sometimes the activities we want to do with children and young people do not match their expectations from us. What I understand is that it is not always possible to be an efficient, cool and funny volunteer.
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Even though the March is three days longer than the month prior, it felt like less did happen. Probably because there were a lot days of staying at home.
The Month made a great entrance in Estonia in terms of the weather that came along. The fields of snow where melting and due to that the water levels kept rising. And because the government prohibited indoor activities with youngster we decided to go canoeing with the youngsters in Hargla.
10. aprillil toimus rahvusvahelise meediaprojekti "FinEst Media" noortele Zoomis virtuaalne podcasti ehk taskuhäälingu koolitus, mida viisid läbi Tõrva Raadio liikmed Karl Kirt ja Riin Lepik.
Veebikoolituse käigus saadi ülevaade taskuhäälingu olemusest, tutvuti intervjueerimise põhitõdede ning raadiosaate üleshitusega. Koolituse praktiline pool hõlmas keeleharjutusi, prooviintervjuude läbiviimist, virtuaaltuuri Tõrva Raadio stuudios ning intervjuu läbiviimist saatesse kutsutud külalisega.