13.-16. juulini toimub Kaldavere turismitalus 7.-18aastastele Vaglamaa noortele suunatud laager Spekter.
Laagris pakutakse noortele palju praktilist tegevust kogenud instruktorite juhendamisel, võimalust viibida looduses, leida uusi sõpru, ööbida telkides ja õppida kasulikke teadmisi toimetulekuks metsas ning praktiseerida õpitut.
Tankla õpilasmalev (TÕM) 2021 toimub 18.-30. juulini. Malevas saavad osaleda Valgamaa noored vanuses 14-19 aastat.
Malevlaste maksimaalne tööpäeva pikkus on 6 tundi ja selle eest makstakse ka reaalset palka. Töötasuna garanteeritakse miinimumtöötasu tunnihinnaga 3,48 eurot (bruto). Toitlustus (neli söögikorda) ja mugav magamiskoht organiseeritakse korraldajate poolt.
The first half of April was a blast for not only me, but also for my girlfriend who was able to visit me. After long and painful nights of planning and organizing her safe trip to Estonia in times of a pandemic nothing could stop us from having ten short but sweet days spend together after being separated for months. Not even new rules regarding the transit in Latvia that were established just a few hours before her flight departed.
So I again borrowed Madlis car, drove to our booked apartment in Tallinn and picked her up at 1 am in the night. And even though the following days formed themselves into important and treasurable memories in my head I will tell you a lot about this trip.
… that’s what I kinda felt like this month.
I mean, yeah, I also came to Estonia to think about university choices and future careers, but being a Youtube- host was definitely not on my list of realistic future goals. Well, luckily, sometimes secret dreams get fulfilled and I was very pleased to combine two of my major skills and interests in this work month: Communication and Environment Protection. But how did the project work, and why did we do it?