Riidaja bussipeatus, Tõrva vald 7:40
Pori bussipeatus, Tõrva vald 7:45
Tõrva Avatud Noortekeskus 8:00
Riiska bussipeatus, Tõrva 8:05
Hummuli bussipeatus, Tõrva vald 8:20
14.-18. augustini toimub Valgamaal võistlusmatk "Kuperjanovlaste rada". Võistkondade registreerimise tähtaeg on 1. august.
Võistlusmatkast on oodatud osa võtma Kodutütarde ja Noorkotkaste neljaliikmelised võistkonnad (lubatud ka segavõistkonnad) vanuses 14 – 19 a (k.a.) ning külalisvõistkonnad, kes ei ole Kaitseliidu noorteorganisatsioonide liikmed kuid vastavad vanusele. Eraldi arvestuses oodatakse rajale endiseid Valgamaa noorkotkaid ja kodutütreid.
This month was my birthday’s month, so everything was like “you will not be young anymore”, “you are getting old”, bla bla bla. But also the same ones who were saying that to me made my birthday celebration remarkable, funny and special. They got me chocolate, cake and laughs. And I could not be happier and thankful about the people I’ve met in Estonia.
Althought other events made my June full of new memories, like the Tõrva Kohvikute Päev, being a volunteer in Tartu for the Gaudeamus and being surrounded by singing Lithuianians, hard farewells, jumping from the Vanamõisa wooden Tower, get ugly bruises because of that, playing my first beach-volley tournament in Riiska...
Valga noored Erika Kesvatera ja tema vend Artjom Kesvatera kinkisid koostöös JJ-Street Tantsukooliga linnale sünnipäevaks unistuste seina.
Unistamine ja nende elluviimine on idee autori Erika jaoks väga oluline. „Seinal unistuste kuvamine aitab selgemalt näha, mille olemasolu inimesed oma kodukohas vajalikuks peavad.“
End of June and I have just one month left in Estonia. :O
But before getting depressed about that I will talk about my June, as some really cool things happened in June, beginning from the Child Protection Day, the Art-week and finally the “Jaanipäev” (Mid-Summer Day), which I spent in Tartu (as I helped there as a volunteer at the “Gaudeamus”-festival).
To start from the beginning - June began as May ended - making a trip with all the youngsters - this time we went to Tartu.
Together with them I was in the cinema (first time in a long long time since I sat in a real cinema :D) and later in “game hall” with lot of trampolines and different kind of games.