I just arrived in Estonia a month ago. This is my first independent trip abroad. We say "the first pancake is lumpy." So I thought when I was going to leave and did not know what to pack with me.
So I thought when I was in quarantine and looking at the fireworks in isolation. So I thought when I didn’t know if I could cope with the tasks assigned to me during the project ... The feeling that I am a wild cat, which was first released from the cage into the wild. Here is Valga. Here's her youth center. Here is Lüllemae and her youth center. Here Hargla, Tsirkulina, Viljandi and this cat rushed wherever they looked.
13. veebruaril kuulutati Otepääl toimunud Valgamaa tänuüritusel välja 2020. aasta tublimad noorsootöös, spordis ja kultuuris.
Valgamaa noore, noortesõbra, noorsootöötaja ja vabatahtliku tiitlile esitati kokku 28 kandidaati. Kõik laureaadid on teie ees, palju õnne!
Valgamaa Noorsootöökeskuse Tankla tänukirja märkimisväärse panuse eest e-noorsootöö arendamise ning Valgamaa noorsootöö maine kujundamise eest 2020. aastal eriolukorras pälvisid Martin Väljur ja Roland Lehes.
For me, the new year started with the same problems as the last one. Corona and the associated quarantine. After spending the first few days of 2021 in Germany I flew back to Tallinn from the new airport in Berlin, where I got tested for COVID-19 free of charge. I’d like to talk about how beautiful the capital of Estonia is, but city exploration doesn’t come in handy with a suitcase and a tired body and mind after two days of traveling. When I finally arrived in Valga and was picked up from my tutor, I barely noticed the snowy landscape of the country that build up over the time I spent in Germany.
So there I was again...quarantined in Estonia in a small village, but this time it was quite cold outside, so I had no intention to go for a walk. As a result of this not being my first quarantine, I consider myself an expert of killing endless hours in solitude.
Let's have a brief look at what I have done as I approach the 3rd month of
my volunteering adventure in Estonia. If you want to volunteer in Estonia, thistime under certain headings to i will try to give inspire you.I will write about how I continue to have fun despitethe day-to-day cold weather.
Lihtsad Näoilmed Koomiksi Stiilis (Simple Face Expressions in Cartooon Style):
For me, volunteering means sharing something or a skill that I can do with people from different cultures and values and learning while teaching.
Tõrva Youth Center offers me an opportunity to use my skills and talents for children. One of them is that I can record my drawings, photos, and memories with children with a camera. I posted a video where I draw simple caricature facial expressions for kids to inspire. While editing the video, I had to learn a new program. Because the file of the videos was too big to edit on the phone. If you want to use it or need it, I recommend the "shotcut" program. You can easily learn the features that will be useful for you in just 2 days.
24. veebruarini on 4.-12. klasside, sh kutsekoolide õpilastel võimalus osa võtta üleriigilisest meemikonkursist "Päriselu internetis vs kujutlus".
Võistlemine toimub kolmes kategoorias ning igale neist kehtib vastav teema, mille kohta meemi oodatakse.