Valgamaa noorte kümnes suvekool on selleks aastaks lõppenud. Seljataga on kolm imetoredat päeva, inimesi, tegevusi ja emotsioone.
Viimase tekkele aitasid suuresti kaasa omaloomingukavade koostamine ja esitlemine ning teised sotsialiseerumist võimaldavad tegevused nagu sportlikud turniirid, öökino ja disko. Noored teavad öelda, et suurimaks plussiks nende kolme päeva juures on just uute kontaktide loomine ja sõpruskonnaga koosolemine.
14.-16. augustini toimub Tõrva vallas Marja talus Valgamaa noorte suvekool "Otse 10-sse!", mis tuleneb sellest, et tegu on juba kümnenda noortele suunatud suvekooliga maakonnas.
Idee sündis 2009. aastal ja on andnud noortele võimaluse tutvuda ja veeta üheskoos mõnusat aega. 10 aastat meeldejäävaid mälestusi, eriilmelisi tegevusi ja kauneid Valgamaa turismitalusid. Uurides, miks olid siinsed noored suvekooli tulnud, oli tihti vastuseks meelelahutus, vabadus ja seltskond. "Sõbrad on just see põhjus, miks iga aasta siia tulla," nentis Pukast pärit Kadi Kertu Elias.
Already on Latvian land, waiting for meeting with Estonia!
I get off the plane, already on Latvian land which greeted me with a cool refreshing breeze after two hours of flight!
The first face besides the workers and tourists I met here was the smiling face of a very cheerful and friendly guy named Vallo, who went to drive me to the city I'm gonna live in. We greeted each other, left the airport and passed through Riga, beautiful city that reminded me of certain Ukrainian cities. We headed to Valga, the city in Estonia that would become my home for the next 11 months ... my volunteer life had just begun! !
So after a few hours, I arrived to Oteppa camp, a beautiful place with smiling people. And the reason I went there as I found out later- was because my apartment was not ready for living. People greeted me very kindly there, and in general there was a lot of attention, everything in my mind was (foggy?)...
This month was truly what one could describe as a summer of youth. Sadly, that youth wasn't mine.
This month only saw me work at the youth center in Lüllamäe for only a number of days before it was time to pack my bag, regret not having a smaller bag (always a sign of a devious foreigner), and settle in for the wait for Malev to start. What followed was twoish weeks of non-stop teenagers and more rap music than I would normally hear in six months.