14. mail toimus Valgamaa noorsootöökeskuse Tankla poolt korraldatud Valgamaa koolide õpilasesinduste koostööpäev, mis keskendus projekti kirjutama õppimisele.
Tankla juhatuse liige ja Sebra Sõbrad OÜ koolitaja Marek Mekk andis põhjaliku ülevaate projekti kirjutamise olulisematest punktidest, alustades projekti mõiste defineerimisest, probleemi määratlemist, eesmärkide ja tegevuste seadmisest ning lõpetades projekti tegevuste elluviimise ja aruandlusega.
I will finish my EVS in less than 3 months.I am going to finish my EVS in less than 3 months!WHAT?!
This sounds so unreal and a little scary, actually, especially because I am still not totally sure what to do afterwards. But there’s some time left, so I just try to avoid thinking about that. Which is quite easy since there is always something going on in Hargla – and April was no exception: My friends came to visit, the running event I’ve planned took place, my first time fishing, renovating my new flat and much more!
The Spring it´s exploding all it´s beautyness in all Estonia. For the first time since i´m here, the weather of Estonia and Spain have been quite similar, even sometimes warmer in Estonia! Some days it´s being able even to wear short clothes. But the reality came back at the end of the month bringing us cold and snow again. It melt just with the contact with the floor, but the thing is that it was falling snowflakes at the end of April. This is something i could expect from one of the Jupiter's moons, but not in Estonia. Suddenly, it feels like the days are very long (in hours of daylight). Also there´s a lot of birds i´ve never seen, and some others that i´ve seen before, but not as often as here, like the storks. It´s full of them on the fields, and sometimes on the sky. April has been full of things to do, maybe too many, because i´ve been in Ritsu and Tõrva only a few days, since i´d been working one week in Võru, another in Hargla, and some days i went to Norra (Norway) which was a country i fell in love with. But let´s start with the beginning of the month.
I have now been in Estonia for longer than I have known that I would be coming to Estonia. It has been something of an adjustment…
Moving from Finland to Estonia with two weeks to prepare turned out not to be that big of an issue, so I was already in good spirits about my sudden uprooting, but what I had not prepared myself for was how much the similarities between the two languages would serve to confuse me.
Parim viis üles ärkamiseks pole kindlasti sinu telefonis olev äratuskell, mis hakkab laulma kell seitse hommikul, kuid ärkamise teeb palju paremaks ja kergemaks: 1.) kõne sõbralt; 2.) väljas särab päikene; 3.) teadmine, et sind ootab ees põnev päev. Kõik need tingimused täitusid 6. aprillil, kui Lõuna-Eestis viibivad välisvabatahtlikud panid proovile enda orienteerumisoskused võistlusel “Väle Jänes”. Võistlusel tuli meil orienteeruda Hargla külas ja selle ümbruses, leida erinevaid kontrollpunkte kaardi abil ja teha erinevaid ülesandeid ja kõike seda võimalikult kiiresti, kuna me võistlesime koos teiste noortega üle Eesti esikoha peale.