…is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It’s kind of romantic. All the lights, the Christmas markets, hot wine in the street and the typical sweets. I can feel how the supposed cold character of Estonian people has changed. May be is because they feel more confident with me or may be it is because of the festivities.
It was kind of difficult to explain to my mum that I was going to spend Christmas and also New Year here and not go to Spain, but she already knew it because she knows her daughter, of course. So I have been here all month and I am not planning to go to my country up to now and no in a near future.
My December... I really enjoyed December. I really liked (and still like) going to the Youth Center, spending the weekends in other places, meeting new people and feeling the Christmas vibes.
Every week there was something, like student company markets, baking cookies and decorating the youth center. Also I went home (Austria), where I finally saw my boyfriend, friends, family and relatives in real-life again. <3 After one week there I came back to Estonia, where I celebrated New Year in Tallinn.
Tiitlid - üllataja, mitmekülgseim, aasta õed, ports aktiivsust, mitmekülgsuse ports, erakordne ports vastutustundlikkust, aktiivne ja edenev vabatahtlik - on üks osa nimetustest, mida on jagatud maakonna noortele nende panuse eest vabatahtlikku töösse.
2017. aasta detsembrikuu keskpaigas jagati Valgas Maavalitsuse korraldatud tänuüritusel välja ka jooksva aasta eest kolm tunnustust – Tankla vabatahtliku passi täitjatele noortele.
2017 is almost in the past, we should thing in our New Year outfit and while, who has time to think in the 2018 trends, watch all the catwalks and analice all the outfits in the fashion weeks all over the world? It look like hard work to do, but here you can find a summary about it.
If you want to go into some colour, this new year you think on Lavender. We weren’t expected that colour in our lives but thanks to some designers we have been seeing it on the street style crowd around Milan, NY and Paris. Come 2018, you'll be seeing this color everywhere. And is really flexible! Although you could think that it’s just for romantic styles, you can wear it whatever is your own style. Pop, boho, casual or classy lavender is so versatile that you won’t have any problem including some pieces of lavender clothes in your day by day outfits.
Valgamaa Noortekogu tunnustas juba üheksandat korda noori ning noortesõpru, kes on oma aktiivsuse ning vabatahtliku tööga Valgamaal läbi aasta silma jäänud.
Need on inimesed, kelle eeskuju ning tegemisi on esile tõstetud märkavate Valgamaa inimeste poolt. Valgamaa aasta noor 2017 tiitli pälvis Siim Vahtra ning Valgamaa noortesõber 2017 tiitli Egle Kõvask.
“Sel aastal oli nominentide seast parimate älja valimine tavapärasest erinev. Moodustasime komisjoni, kuhu kuulusid Valga Maavalitsuse, Valgamaa Omavalitsuste Liidu, Valgamaa Noortekogu, Tankla ning Politse- ja Piirivalveameti ning Kaitseliidu esindajad, kes kõikide säravate kandidaatide seast oma valiku tegid,” selgitas Valgamaa Noortekogu esimees Triin Jaansalu, lisades “Et auhinnasaajad ei selguks vaid kandidaadi populaarsuse põhjal, otsustasimegi muuta tiitli pälvijate valimise süsteemi ning moodustada spetsiaalne komisjon.”