Even though the March is three days longer than the month prior, it felt like less did happen. Probably because there were a lot days of staying at home.
The Month made a great entrance in Estonia in terms of the weather that came along. The fields of snow where melting and due to that the water levels kept rising. And because the government prohibited indoor activities with youngster we decided to go canoeing with the youngsters in Hargla.
10. aprillil toimus rahvusvahelise meediaprojekti "FinEst Media" noortele Zoomis virtuaalne podcasti ehk taskuhäälingu koolitus, mida viisid läbi Tõrva Raadio liikmed Karl Kirt ja Riin Lepik.
Veebikoolituse käigus saadi ülevaade taskuhäälingu olemusest, tutvuti intervjueerimise põhitõdede ning raadiosaate üleshitusega. Koolituse praktiline pool hõlmas keeleharjutusi, prooviintervjuude läbiviimist, virtuaaltuuri Tõrva Raadio stuudios ning intervjuu läbiviimist saatesse kutsutud külalisega.
…those were the main points that influenced my daily life and also my emotions in march.
Tbh, it was no surprise for me to get into a lockdown, since my friends in Austria are spending their time at home for more than a year and I was wondering at which point Estonia would close everything. Of course, travelling might be harder now, but in March I did not only feel desperation but also hope. The first birds were singing and also the sun showed up more frequently - Time to discover the Estonian nature! And I felt the inner urge to carry on; to see more and do more. Yeah, maybe I was even slightly stressed because I realized that now half of my time in Estonia is over. Can you believe that? I personally feel like I did nothing the last months, but I think my view might be a bit clouded. Well, form yourself an opinion about that by checking out the other posts, - but now keep reading about what I’ve done in march…
So in March, we planned to make a thematic night in the Karula forest: the plan, games, venue, food, and even posters were ready to be published. and then the decision came - "Since March all establishments are closed for a temporary lockdown - no events, and only 1 on 1 meeting." Sad ... but now there is an idea to turn this theme party into the clusters.
It was a month of mixed cassette flavor because:
When I looked at it completely, it was a stable month. For Estonians, these rules are enough to think negatively and be hopeless even many countries have stricter quarantine rules than Estonia. This affected me a little bit negatively. Of course, however, I have brought some specific, noteworthy experiences for you. :)