The end is coming. How many good bye parties have I been invited to already? I can’t really say, but too many. Everybody is leaving. At that point even Nina has left me alone here. And also my good bye party will arrive soon.
I’ve been in a working camp, in summer camps and in Viljandi Folk festival, and although I wanted to do some trip I was so exhausted after all that, that I was just sleeping and resting when I was not working. The good thing is that I was doing it in the beach and now I have a nice tanned, so I will be accepted back in Spain.
… I want to thank you for an amazing year full of new experiences! I was glad to make my EVS in this wonderful country. Thanks to you I have met amazing people, that became friends and I don´t want to miss them in my life. (hihi <3)
Because of you I travelled a lot and saw many new places, I did not even knew that they were here. :D
Dear Estonia - because of you I had the most amazing year! During my 11 months I have got to know so many people - because of my new work, because of travelling…
July was a great “finish” for that a fantastic year.
21. juuli ehk Valgamaa noorte suvekooli kolmas ja ühtlasi ka viimane päev möödus meeskondlike tegevuste ning suvekooli võitja väljaselgitamisega.
Udune kolmanda päeva hommik algas suvekooliliste jaoks tantsivalt, sest hommikuvõimlemise asemel sai tantsida nii valssi kui valmistuda Weekend festivaliks harjutades klubi stiilis tantsuliigutusi. Kui noored olid end peanuppudest varba otsteni soojaks tantsinud, järgnes hommikupuder.
20. juuli ehk Valgamaa noorte suvekooli teine päev möödus tegusalt ja õpihimuliselt.
Kell kaheksa kõlas üle telkla äratus ning käes oli aeg anda endast parim hommikuvõimlemises ning makarenas. Tublidele võimlejatele pakuti loomulikult ka hommikusööki ning siis seati sammud juba uutesse unistuste töötubadesse.