January was full of new experiences and nice plans as going to watch Pitch Perfect 3 with friends, walk on a frozen lake or have a tea in the top of the wooden tower here in Tõrva while the sun was setting. After say goodbye to Christmas and my friends of Tallinn and go back to work I still can see Christmas decoration everywhere. What is that? Any kind of tradition? Because we are already in February and still!
And talking about decoration, I should think about the one in my new room, because my Russian flatmate is quitting the voluntary service (sadly) and his room will be empty now and I can move to it (happily). Now we are going to be just two foreign girls living in Tõrva. We are going to celebrate my move this Friday, so if you are reading this on time you can come and share our happiness because we don’t have to share room anymore! Although I had no big problems with that situation, I should confess that I almost killed Nadja just a couple of times when she was snoring and I got insomnia.
My 2018 started in Tallinn, as I celebrated there New Year with other volunteers, that are already friends, a great firework, lot of dancing and an amazing snowball fight. :D
It seems so “unreal”, that it is already a new year, as my 2017 went by so fast. I graduated from school, had a great summer and came here to Estonia – a decision, about which I am really happy. :D Even weirder to think how many new things will happen in 2018. I am still in Estonia and have already plans, what I will do in the youth center, where I want to travel and what events I will do or visit. And sadly my time here will end and I will start to study something (whatever it will be :D ) in a university. But let´s focus on the time, which I still have here in Estonia. <3
Veebruaris on maakonna kolmes noortekeskuses EVT infotunnid noortele, kus räägitakse välisvabatahtlikust tööst just välismaal.
Tule kuulama 16., 19. või 23. veebruaril ning kes teab äkki oled just Sina see, kes veedab terve aasta välismaal uusi kogemusi omandamas.
02. kuni 04.veebruar 2018 toimub Tõrva vallas, Ritsu spordibaasis, NK Valgamaa maleva ja KT Valgamaa ringkonna talvelaager.
Ürituse eesmärk on sooritada NK ja KT järgukatseid ja veeta sportlik nädalavahetus. Laagri transpordi marsruudid ja kellaajad avaldatakse Valgamaa noorteportaalis TANKLA.
Kogunemine 02. veebruar Ritsu spordibaasis kell 19:00 ning lõpetamine 04. veebruar orienteeruvalt kell 12:00.