Otsime asendajat puhkuste perioodiks Valga loomade varjupaika 16.06-12.08.2018.
Spordibaasi tubade ja üldkasutatavate ruumide koristamine, muud tegevused.
Hooajaline tööpakkumine: aiandustööline
Taimede ülesvõtmine, sorteerimine ja istutamine taimeaias ja puukoolis.
In Ritsu we keep practicing Parkour with Vabadussport, so each 2 weeks I have a weekend full of muscle pain; in Ala, I keep doing my sports club where I just have to listen what kids want to do, that means basketball and football from time to time; with the folk dance group we are learning a new choreography and I’ve learned some new steps; every Tuesday and Friday I try to attend the volleyball trainings in Tõrva Gümnaasium; and on Thursdays I am teaching Spanish to some well-motivated group of women, from whom I also learn some things. And that is part of my routine of being in Ritsu.
And to break the routine...
Even though in March was the beginning of spring, Estonia somehow missed this date, as it was snowing on that day. :D
Nonetheless we could finally see some sun and things look good, that spring will also arrive in Estonia. :D But to not only talk about the weather… My march was also really cool, as I could do again some ceramics and Tania and I realized the “Tankla meeting” (our initiative project), which we were planning already for a long time.