154386094_1090746868066165_8144460576790678137_n.jpgYes, the snow started to melt a week ago in Tõrva. It was quite difficult to walk at first. Imagine that you go the 10-minute road in half an hour, in tiny steps. According to the Estonians, there was a little early spring breeze and the snow melted. I got used to living in the flaky snowy Tõrva but not yet to the slippery, windy and muddy Tõrva… It seems like we will face new weather challenges in March…

Saun ja tantsimine (Sauna and Dance): My favorite activity during my time in Tõrva is going to the sauna with local people (my co-work Regina and her neighbor Sirje). I don't remember if I mentioned it in every blog post, but as a classic Saturday activity, first enter the sauna and then eat something. You feel really hungry. Or like this is my stomach. :D This time we visited to Regina with Vici and Mylene. Sauna party started, we jumped to snow with Victoria. It was a painful event for my shoulders, but I didn't mind because I knew I would go into the 80-degree sauna afterwards. (You should definitely try it, it's an extremely relaxing activity mentally and physically.)

 Koomiksi Klass (Cartoon Class): The most important part of my presence in Tõrva and my life right now is my "volunteering" activities, which I continue despite corona. Thanks to my father, I learned how to draw and tried cartoons, portraits and various drawings by myself.  Also my cartoon book was published thanks to my cartoonist teacher. Now, I have the opportunity to share these with the children and learn by having fun together. Their thought structures often work differently, they usually draw scenes from the play "Among Us". I, on the other hand, care about making different shapes, animals, objects from various materials, and painting the paintings I draw in detail together. So they can experience working in harmony. 😊

Stop Motion Animation Klass (Stop Motion Animation Class): I have completed the drawings of my new animation. The subject of drawing is briefly the fun of three children skating in the snow and the awakening of the bears: D I really care about the preparation part for animation in this lesson. Seriously, I gradually prepare the materials, paint them and add the details. I can do this all day, I never get bored. You need to be patient while making the animation. Because you have to do each step with small movements, after taking 3-4 photos, you have to change all the steps again. Fortunately, I am patient enough for this lesson. :D

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Tiktoki pidu Ritsus (Tiktok Party in Ritsu): Sometimes i want to say that "Please transfer me to Ritsu !!"to Rasmus. It was “Friendship Week” for children during the second week of February. We prepared friendship cards and surprise cards for each other. Most importantly, the traditional TIKTOK Party :D We even had a DJ! We played the games prepared by Giia, danced and had a snack. That was so fun.

Vastlapaeva matkategevus Tõrvas (Vastlapaeva Hiking Activity in Tõrva): Even though I read the exact answer today, I could not understand, but in short we did the following: In Tõrva, we participated in a walking event organized by the Defense League team. Each team bought a map and determined its own route. You had to know some questions with certain points and overcome obstacles. These obstacles or tests may different. You can also drink tea while answering these questions. After completing the entire hiking trail, we had dinner and ate the cultural dessert "vastlakukkel" (cream in the middle of small puffy bread (!)).

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Valmistage TR juhatus ette (Prepared TR Board): I strongly recommend that you do this activity in the organization you volunteer for. When you miss your culture, the natural beauties of your country, the values ​​of being a family and close friendships, looking at that painting will relieve you a little bit. Turkey, countless natural beauty, cultural features and strong family bond with a valuable piece of land to live. I respectfully commemorate the great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Didn't have to save our country but he did, my respect for my country, my respect for my values ​​are thanks to him. Thanks Ancestor!


External Activities in Tõrva: Unfortunately, due to the second time the corona has been on the rise in Estonia, we only held outdoor activities for 2 weeks. The number of children was already quite low. But I always say that in Tõrva we can manage the process well despite the corona. We organized a cinema day, had a grill in the backyard, we sleded next to Lake Vanamõisa, we took a forest walk, ..

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Lilleline Pühapaev (Flower Sunday): I chose to spend my Sunday in Ritsu because I know we're going to have fun. :D I attended the workshop organized by Giia. I took lots of photos while the participants were making their flowers. We played various games with the children. Next time I want to make flowers too !! 😊

I don't know what are the priorities for you, for me, it is very important to be able to say that "I really did what I could for the children, I'm doing it.". All ready to help you as long as you talk to your co-workers with some ideas in mind, never hesitate. Always be an entrepreneur. It works. Another one is to make friends with local people, learn about their culture, share my own culture when there is an opportunity. What is better than sharing .. Third, I am a nature fan. Whenever I had the opportunity in nature, I went for a walk, not to mention snow, winter or mud. To be honest I haven't participated in big trekking activities yet, they are a bit far from the village I'm from. Fortunately, I live in Tõrva and I am surrounded by forest. Nowadays I am learning how to take pictures in manual settings. You should definitely check it, my account https://www.instagram.com/brokenrecord.art/?hl=tr

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Kendime gerçekten şaşırıyorum. Burada geçirdiğim süre boyunca vatan sevgisini daha çok hissediyorum. Atatürk’ün idealist bakışını takip etmenin ve çalışkan gençler olmanın değerini anlıyorum. Bize bu ideolojileri hatırlatan ve önderlik yapan somut bir kahramanız olduğu için şanslıyız. Estonya’da hayatımın 5-10 yıllık bölümünde yaşamak isterim. Burada her şey olması gerektiği kadar ve hayat güvenli. Ama bir ülke bilincinin oluşması için so bağımsızlıklarının üzerinden sadece 30 yıl geçmiş olması yetersiz..

Eğer sorunuz veya öneriniz olursa (gönüllülük süreci, Estonya’da yaşam ve aktiviteler,..) facebook https://www.facebook.com/aysegul.aksakal.752/” ve instagram https://www.instagram.com/aysegulaksakal_/?hl=tr hesaplarımdan bana ulaşabilirsiniz.

Sağlıcakla kalın!..

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